Rose Ariadne's Chitchcraft Blog

Dear Friends,

Have you ever had a day, or a week, or a few weeks where nothing seemed to go right? I recently went through one of these episodes. First, I went to pay my car registration, and noticed that I needed to get it smogged several weeks prior to mailing my registration. I rushed over to get it done before I had to send in my paperwork, and it didn’t pass smog. I took it to the auto mechanic shop, and the problem ended up being two tiny wires that test oxygen levels. Of course, these two tiny wires came at a high price, $500!! Meanwhile, my desktop computer’s monitor burned out and the power cord for my laptop died. The monitor was easily replaced but I ended up having to wait over a week to get my laptop cord because it was under warranty. During this time several little things also went wrong that wouldn’t have been a huge deal if I hadn’t been going through all of the car and computer related stress!I felt like I had made someone in the heavens mad, until I looked at the calendar. All of this happened smack dab in the middle of a Mercury retrograde. This astrological phenomenon happens three times per year, unfortunately, and effects us all.

Just as we are connected to the earth, we are connected to the skies as well. Astrology is an important ‘subject’ in Paganism and using it to time rituals and spellwork is important in the effectiveness of your magickal work. That’s why I always recommend consulting an ephemeris before planning a ritual. An ephemeris is a record of the movement of the planets through the astrological signs. Ephemeris, can tell you what sign a planet will be occupying for the next 50 to 100 years. They make it simple to see what will be going on astrologically. Using planetary power to aid your magickal working will make it all the more powerful.

A Mercury retrograde is a unique astrological time. Most planets enter a retrograde period, but the further out a planet is, the longer time the retrograde takes. But since Mercury is closer to us and to the Sun, its effects are very powerful. Venus and Mars retrogrades also have a powerful effect but they fortunately don’t happen with the frequency of Mercury retrogrades. A retrograde describes a period where the planet in question appears to be moving backward from our standpoint here on earth. Astrologically, the energies that the planet normally controls turn inward instead of outward. Mercury controls communication, travel, though and technology. As a result, Mercury makes our thoughts, transportation and electronics go haywire! It can be a frustrating time, and definitely not a time to try to get a lot accomplished.

When I first learned of Mercury retrograde, I started to dread them. Everything seemed to go wrong, as it did this most recent time. However, despite all of the setbacks and missteps that seem to happen during this period, I’ve found that Mercury retrograde has its good points (just like everything in this universe). What could possibly be good about Mercury retrograde you ask? Well, mental energies may be confused, but they are also turned inward. I have found that Mercury retrograde is an ideal time for looking inside yourself, and taking a break from our fast paced lives. If we try to continue at the pace we’ve been going during this time, we will undoubtedly get caught up in the web of Mercury. Instead, if we approach this time with a more reserved stance and introspective nature, we’ll get much more out of the period and be much less frustrated.
Love And Light,

Rose Ariadne, Your Warm And Caring “Resident Witch In Charge”

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Posted by Rose | Comments (5)

Dear Friends,

You’re no doubt associated with the pentagram, or five pointed star, that is the key symbol in Wicca. I’ve had pentagrams displayed in my home, and sometimes in my car or on my person, throughout most of my walk on this path. And believe me, it is one of the most misunderstood religious symbols. Although you and I know it to represent a religion of nature worship and love, the entertainment industry has perverted into a negative symbol. I’ve seen it used as a symbol for Satanists, ritual murderers, and on one episode of CSI vampires! I wish these writers would do a little research.The pentagram is not evil, just as practitioners of Wicca and witchcraft are not evil. The pentagram is an ancient symbol of protection from evil. It is also called ‘the endless knot’ referring to the overlapping qualities of the five lines. In ancient times, the pentagram was often displayed on doors, in windows and on the hearths of homes across Pre-Christian Europe. The symbol can even be traced back to Egyptian and Sumerian culture. Believe it or not, there is evidence of the pentagram on Native American medicine tools.

The pentagram has five points and five lines that make up the star. (As opposed to the Star of David which is a six-pointed star made up from two triangles). The pentagram is a symbol of our faith , the lower four points represent the essential elements of earth, air, fire and water. The fifth point, which crowns the other four, represents the spirit (sometimes referred to as the fifth element, not to be confused with the Bruce Willis movie!). Together the five points of the pentagram represent the wholeness of the universe and points out the interconnectedness between ourselves and the world around us.

Although the above interpretation is the one that I think of most often when considering the symbology of the pentagram, I have also heard other analysis of its meaning. Some people have said that there is not one point upward, but three (including the two “arms” of the star). In numerology, three is the number of harmony. The middle point harmonizes the outer points, which face opposite directions. It is a reminder that no matter how many contradictions we see in life, there is a unifying force that harmonizes all. If you look at the Celtic love of triads, you can see repetition of the emphasis of ‘three’? This is also present in the Catholic model of ‘three Gods in one’ (and they claim to be monotheistic!). Yet another aspect that the ancient Christian church modeled after paganism, in my opinion!

Another interpretation of the pentagram symbol is that it represents the deities in Witchcraft, the Triple Goddess and the Horned God. The top three points of the pentagram are symbols for the Goddess in her three states of Maiden, Mother and Crone. The bottom points are symbolic of the Horned God and his twin aspects of God of Light and God of Darkness. it’s also notable that all of the points are connected, symbolizing the union between all aspects of the Goddess and all aspects of the God. They are part of the same whole.

Keep in mind that the word pentacle is sometimes used in place of the word pentagram, albeit incorrectly. If you want to be technical about things, a pentacle is a shallow dish used on the altar that is normally inscribed with a pentacle. It is used to burn incense and do other spell related work. But I find myself using the two interchangeably, so I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

Taking anyone of these interpretations into account when you view the pentagram will deepen your understanding of the symbol. Far from a simple symbol, it is layered with meaning. Think about it next time you view a pentagram, and remember what it means.
Brightest Blessing,

Rose Ariadne, Your Warm And Caring “Resident Witch In Charge”

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Posted by Rose | Comments (9)

Dear Friends,

Candle magick is on of the most important forms of magick and should become part of your regular practice. While candles can be used to represent the Goddess, God and the elements in ritual work, they can also be used to cast spells. Candle magick can be used for many different types of magick, from love to luck to divination to money.Performing candle magick can be as simple or as complicated as you’d like it to be. You’ll want to use your regular altar space, but make sure that it is cleared of any remnants from past spells. When I am performing a candle magick spell, I like to cover my altar in a color related to the spell that I am performing (green for money or job, red for love, etc). You can also use a white cloth, since white is a multipurpose color. You’ll also want to use Vervain incense. I find that Vervain gives all of my spellworking an extra oomph.

After you’ve selected a candle magick spell from a book or received one from your coven, you’ll need to purchase your candles (if you have none) and then dress your candles. Beeswax candles are a good choice because they are made with natural materials. Some witches prefer to make candles themselves because they will be instilled with the energy from the witch. However, when you are starting out store bought candles are perfectly fine.

When you use store bought candles, you’ll need to dress them with oil before you perform your spell. I normally do this the day before my planned spell because it gives the candle time to absorb the oil. It also gets me in the magickal frame of mind for the next day. The choice of oil is up to you. I use a special blended energizing oil for most spells, but on occasion I use oil that it specific to the magick I am performing.

The most important part of dressing the candle is the direction in which you do so. If you are performing magick to bring something to you, start at the top of the candle and rub the oil to the middle. Then start at the bottom of the candle and rub the oil toward the middle. For spellwork that you are using to send something away from you, start from the center of the candle and rub the oil outward toward both ends.

While you are consecrating the candle repeat the following phrase:

“I cleanse and consecrate this candle in the name of the God and Goddess. May it burn with strength in the service of light.”

On the day that you are performing the magick, take a ritual bath before you begin with warm water and a handful of sea salt. This will neutralize any negative energy you’ve gathered from the day. This will also help prepare your body and mind for the work. While you bathe, focus on the magick you are about to do and clear your mind of the stresses of the day.

Follow the directions for the your spell for the rest of the candle spell. Some spells require you to light and relight a candle over a set period of time. For these, you’ll need a safe space to store your candle. If you altar is not permanent or is too low to the ground to be safe, cleanse a space that is in a more appropriate location. In fact, you might want to use the new location for the entire ritual. The same goes for spells that require you to leave a candle burning.

Candle magick can be quick and very effective. I encourage you to branch out into this form of magick and try different types of spells and candles.
Love And Light,

Rose Ariadne, Your Warm And Caring “Resident Witch In Charge”

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Posted by Rose | Comments (5)

Dear Friends,

I had a really profound insight the other day while sorting through the large load of dirty clothes that had accumulated in my family’s laundry room. I realized the amount of trust that we put in these simple machines that wash and dry our clothes. I thought back to the days of my great-great grandmother who did all of her laundry by hand. If she saw my modern machines with different temperature settings and wrinkle release system, no doubt she would think it was magick at work.She would be amazed at the way I am able to simply put in the load of clothes, pour in some detergent, press a button and have clean clothes in under an hour, without having to do any of the hard work myself. I don’t have to scrub, I don’t have to rinse, I don’t have to apply different techniques to get stains out. I don’t get my hands dirty at all. I am as removed from the process as I can be. It would only be simpler if my husband would do it!

You may wonder exactly what magick has to do with my laundry. Or anybody’s laundry for that matter. Although the washing machine and dryer are not magick, per se, they do illustrate an important magickal principle. I completely trust in the process and trust them to do their job. When I put clothes into my washing machine and dryer, I let them do what they do. I don’t question how the mechanics of the process works. I don’t sit there and fret about whether or not my clothes will really get clean or dry. I don’t wonder if I remembered to put the laundry detergent in the machine in just the right fashion. When I close the lid on that washer, I know that my clothes will be clean. I forget about them and go about my day until I hear the chime coming from the laundry room.

How many times have to cast a spell and then begun to worry about it day and night? Do you analyze every aspect of the ritual and wonder if you did the right thing? Do you look for signs of your spell coming to fruition? I know I’ve been in this position. It was early in my walk on this path and I was so eager to see signs that it actually worked. I didn’t trust in the process.

The old saying goes “A watched pot never boils.” And your magick will never work if you never let it go. Staying focused on the outcome of your spell isn’t releasing the energy of the spell, its holding onto it. For magick to work, you have to release it.

In the beginning, it may be hard to trust the process of magick. It hasn’t been “proven” to you in a way that you can see plainly in your life. It requires a bit of faith to be able to use magick with as much reliance as you use your washer and dryer. But believe me, your magick will be much more effective if you just trust and let go.

After you’ve completed a spell or ritual, treat it with the same indifference that you do the laundry. Let it go, know that the mechanics of magick will work themselves out. You don’t have to worry about how it works. You just have to know that it does. Don’t look back until you hear the small chime, and see the effects of magick working in your life.

Take some time to trust the process, and you’ll surprise yourself with your magickal power!
Brightest Blessing,

Rose Ariadne, Your Warm And Caring “Resident Witch In Charge”

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Posted by Rose | Comments (5)