Rose Ariadne's Chitchcraft Blog

Dear Friends,

Expanding some more on the topics of beliefs that I have been discussing lately, I wanted to share with you all how to make a beliefs braid. Making a beliefs braid is a wonderful way to help open yourself to growth, self-reflection and change. It is a very easy thing to do, and can work wonders with your spiritual growth.

To make a beliefs braid you will need to gather three lengths of cord, yarn or twine. Avoid using animal based products like leather or suede. The lengths of cord should be around fifteen inches long. Feel free to personalize the braid as much as you wish. The colors of the cord may vary, and you can also attach beads or stones to the cords to personalize it even further.

Take one strand and hold it in your hands. This strand represents your beliefs, ideas and thoughts. Hold the cord in your hand and concentrate on your beliefs. While holding the cord say:

“Grant me an open mind, to provide me with clear eyes and an open heart to see the world. I open myself to new ideas, and becoming a new person. I am open to new insights and perspectives of thought, and will not close my mind to those beliefs which I do not understand.”

Sit and focus on those words for a few moments, concentrating on the power of your words. Place the strand of cord aside, and pick up the second strand.

This second cord represents resources that will assist you in identifying your beliefs. Once again, hold the cord in your hands. While holding the cord, say the following words:

“I open myself to welcome the resources that are available to me to help me in my spiritual quest. Whether from family, friends, books or other means, grant me the wisdom to listen to these teachers and hear what words they have to share with me.”

Again, sit and focus on the strand for a few moments concentrating on the power of your words. Now place the second strand aside and take hold of the third strand. The third cord represents opportunity. Holding the third cord in your hands, say the following words:

“I open myself to opportunities that are presented to me which will allow me to grow spiritually. I will use an open mind to evaluate and experience new ideas that are presented to me and be thankful for the opportunities that the Universe provides to me.”

Again, focus on your words while holding the third strand. When you are done, gather the three strands together so that the ends are even. Knot one end of the cords together. Using a safety pin, attach the knotted end to something so that both of your hands are free and you can pull the cord to tightly braid it. Begin braiding the three strands together. Each time you cross one string over the other, breath deeply and say “I am open.” When you reach the end, tie off the end of the braid in a knot that will hold the braid together, but will be easy to untie as well.

As you are tying off the braid, say:

“I am granting myself permission to be open to who I am truly meant to be. I am taking responsibility for my own personal and spiritual growth, and accept that my beliefs are truly my own.”

Carry the braid with you taking it out and touching it occasionally. Once a week, untie the knot at the end and undo the braid. Slowly re-tie the braid once more. As you are re-braiding, repeat “I am open” with each crossing, or feel free to change the words to reflect how you feel at that moment such as “I am growing” or “I am searching” or things to that nature. Do this once a week for four weeks. At the end of a month, place the braid into a place of safe keeping.

Making a beliefs braid is a wonderful ritual that will help you to open your mind, examine new beliefs and help you to grow in many ways. It is a task that you can perform once, or many times if you feel the need. Your beliefs are important to determining who you are as a person, and self-reflection of those beliefs can never be over-performed.

Brightest Blessings,

Rose Ariadne
Your Warm and Caring “Resident Witch In Charge”

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