Rose Ariadne's Chitchcraft Blog

Dear Friends,

My love of magickal gardening reached new heights when I made a special Moon garden of flowers that bloom under the radiant Lady’s heavenly glow. There is nothing more breathtaking than looking up at the Moon and looking down at the flora honoring her in her glory. A symphony of beautiful blooms stands at her attention. Magickal gardens, including Moon Gardens, bring Mother Earth alive. A Moon Garden consists of flowers that bloom at night. They are mostly white, but can come in other pale shades. To start a Moon Garden, check with a gardening book about the hardiness zone you live in. Some of the following plants may not work in your area, but there are plenty that will.

Following is a list of my favorite Moon Garden residents. Some do not bloom at night, but add wonderful elements to the garden nonetheless. Giant Moonflower- a fast growing vine related to the morning glory, this annual may climb to 10 feet. Tightly closed by day, its white flowers open at dusk to release a sweet fragrance. Flowers can be seen very clearly in moonlight.

Pink Evening Primrose- a lovely border plant growing to 12″ with silky, rose colored blooms that deepen to a butter-yellow center. Opens in late evening to release soft fragrance.

Jasmine Tobacco- a very sweet scented flowering tobacco with pure white trumpet shaped flowers 3-4″ long and 1-1/2″ wide that open in evening. Very free flowering. Fall sown seedlings make great pot plants for growing during the winter. A good Moon Garden subject as its flowers open at night and show up well in moonlight.

White Angel’s Trumpet-Excellent Moon Garden plant with large showy pure white trumpet shaped flowers up to 8″ long that open at night. Sometimes fragrant. Large spiny seedpods. One of the largest Angel’s Trumpet available.

South African Dimorphotheca- This is the famous flower from the flora of the South African countryside. Grows only 12″ tall with milky white blossoms so pure they appear to be luminous. Shows up very well at night under moonlight.

Pure White Spider Plant-A delightful spider plant that grows about 3 ft. tall. Very different, as it has pure white glistening flowers. Pre-chill seeds for about a week before sowing and they should germinate in about 2-3 weeks.

Pure White African Daisy- A fast growing African daisy growing to 10 inches with large, pure white flowers with black eyes. A slightly spreading plant.

White Dill- a beautiful plant growing to about 36 in. tall with clouds of white flowers often in clusters 6 in. or more across. Seeds need light to germinate. Seedlings will appear in about two weeks.

White Leafed Dusty Miller-
The foliage of this plant is very white and fine leafed. Good compact growth.
A different looking dusty miller that will stand out in your garden. Sow seeds on surface, germinates in about 2 weeks.

Pure White Salvia- Grows 10-12 inches with dark green foliage and pure white flowers. Very unusual and very early flowering.

Pure White Coneflower-A lovely pure white version of Echinacea purpurea that bears fragrant white coneflowers. Very nice cutflowers that show up well in the moonlight.

Snow White Carnation-Probably the whitest carnations you will ever see. An excellent cutflower, they also make wonderful bedding and border plants. Have spicy-sweet fragrance.

Feverfew-A Native American herb with sprays of 1″ single white daisy-like flowers. Yellow centers are flat. The flowers are said to repel bees and a tea made from the plant is said to relieve headaches.

Mayweed-A gorgeous plant with fern-like foliage and white daisy-like flowers.
The leaves make a relaxing bedtime tea.

Four O’Clocks-These are fragrant flowers that come in several colors. Their trumpet shape blooms open in the evening around four p.m. and close in the daylight.
Happy Planting!

Love And Light,

Rose Ariadne, Your Warm And Caring “Resident Witch In Charge”

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Posted by Rose | Comments (2)

Dear Friends,

Inviting the Deities to your ritual is appropriate and necessary each time you perform a rite. It is especially important during the Sabbats and Esbats, which are special magickal times in our religion. Many Wiccans choose to utter a Charge of the Goddess and Charge of the God as part of their ritual and to invite the God and Goddess into the circle. In mixed gender covens, normally the Charge of Goddess is read by the High Priestess and the High Priest reads the Charge of the God. During the reading of each of the Charges, the representative candle for each deity is lit by the person reading it.

Following are the interpretations of the Charge of the Goddess and the Charge of the God that I use most frequently. I invite you to incorporate them into your own practice. If you are a solitary, you can recite each of these while lighting the Deity candles.

The Charge of the Goddess:

Listen to the words of the Great Mother, who of old was called Artemis, Astarte, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Ceridwen, Diana, Arionrhod, Brigid, and by many other names:
“Whenever you have need of anything, once in the month, and better it be when the moon is full, you shall assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit of me who is Queen of all the Wise.
You shall be free from slavery, and as a sign that you be free you shall be naked in your rites. Sing, feast, dance, make music and love, all in my presence, for mine is the ecstasy of the spirit, and mine also is joy on earth. For My law is love unto all beings. Mine is the secret that opens the door of youth, and Mine is the cup of wine of life that is the Cauldron of Ceridwen that is the holy grail of immortality. I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal and beyond death I give peace and freedom and reunion with those that have gone before.
Nor do I demand aught of sacrifice, for behold, I am the mother of all things, and my love is poured upon the earth.”
Hear the words of the Star Goddess, the dust whose feet are the host of heaven, whose body encircles the universe: “I who am the beauty of the green earth and the white moon among the stars and the mysteries of the waters, I call upon your soul to arise and come unto me. For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe. From me all things proceed and unto me they must return.
Let my worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold — all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you. And you who seek to know Me, know that your seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without. For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.

The Charge of the God:

Listen to the words of the God, who is son, brother, lover and consort of the Lady:
I am the fleet deer in the forest; I am the beach that receives the waves. I am the sun that warms the earth. I am the Lord of the Spiral Dance of Life, Death and Rebirth, the gentle Reaper, the Winter Stag and the Spring Fawn.
All things are of me for I am of the Goddess, opposite, yet not opposing. I bring forth from the womb that is a tomb, for I am the seed that fertilizes. I am abundant life, for I am the grain that grows and I am death, the harvest in the fall. And I am rebirth after darkness, for I am the seed that springs forth anew.
I am fertility, the spreader of life, and I am the Lord of Death that adds value to life.
I am the Guardian of the gate between life and death. I am the King of the underworld, where no living being may venture, but I am also the King of rebirth, turning the tomb into a womb.
I bring love and strength, peace and passion, hope and joy, for I am the gentle lover in the night.
All that comes from the Great Mother, the Divine Star Goddess, who is Mother of us all.

Brightest Blessing,

Rose Ariadne, Your Warm And Caring “Resident Witch In Charge”

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Dear Friends,

Venus (or Aphrodite – depending on which pantheon you pick) is as omnipresent in mundane culture as she is in Pagan culture. This goddess has been co-opted by artists, poets, television and movies as the epitome of love. But how many of us really know Venus and her world.

Venus’s world is a soft and tender world. With the influence of Venus we intimately relate to the people and things that we love. Over-flowing rivers of attention and attraction replace rejection. It is a world of beauty and harmony.
Venus brings confirmation that we are okay, we are beautiful and we can connect with anything around us – a lover, a pet, a flower, a moment in time, a work or art, incredible food, lively dance, laughter’the list goes on and on. Venus rules all that is beautiful and pleasurable.

Venus’s realm of kindness and beauty is based on overall love and acceptance.
We all have this subconsciously in ourselves as remnants from the last time we were totally relaxed, safe and protected – the nine months we spent in our mother’s womb. Just like us, Venus was born from water. She emerged from the sea among white foamy waves and stood on a shell draped in her own luxurious hair, as Boticelli famously depicted her.

Since she is from the sea, her relationship to water and the characteristics of the element are deep. She urges us to experience emotions deeply and fully.
Love, sensuality, beauty and pleasure are linked entirely and should be sought out by everyone.

Venus seeks to relate and connect. She thinks of every living being and object in relation to herself. How can it bring her pleasure? How will it move her, satisfy, or admire her?

She is a timeless beauty. She attracts any man she meets. She is the Queen of Love. She dances through life taking part in all of its pleasure, sensual and beautiful Her lovers are many, but she prefers Mars or Ares (the God of War). He opposes her perfectly. Her quest for beauty is matched by his love of discord and rebellion. Her tender love is matched by his fierce passion.
She is kind and he is rude. She is cautious, but he is daring and impulsive.
She loves intimacy and foreplay; he approaches love straightforwardly and instinctually.
She is moved by emotions, and he responds to actions. Many people choose Venus and Mars as their idyllic God and Goddess pair. They truly represent balance and the diversity of the masculine and feminine.

Venus is in all of us. She effects how we express ourselves emotionally. She is present in our feelings about love, sex, marriage and relationships. She is there when we meet friends for dinner, attend a party and socialize with coworkers during break. She attends to our likes and dislikes and affects our aesthetics. In addition, she shows up when we are lazy and restful. Remember, her tendency is toward reacting not action.

Honoring Venus is as simple as enjoying the beauty in everything. Love everyone and yourself especially. Spend some time in luxury and pamper yourself.

For a small ritual honoring Venus, try the following on a Friday (Venus- Day). Adorn your altar with things of beauty, and use the colors red, white and pink. After you’ve grounded and centered yourself, light a pink or red candle and gaze into the flame. Use the following words to call upon the power of Venus:
Goddess, I accept responsibility for my happiness and for meeting my own needs.
Venus, lend me your ability to reveal the true self without being ashamed or afraid.
Goddess of love, help me to keep my environment peaceful and harmonious today.

Have fun exploring your relationship with this powerful Goddess!

Love And Light,

Rose Ariadne, Your Warm And Caring “Resident Witch In Charge”

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Posted by Rose | Comments (1)

Dear Friends,

Money magick doesn’t work unless you confront your beliefs about money.
This was covered in the last message, and if you haven’t read it, I encourage you to read that first before proceeding with any of the spells in this section.

Money spells are a popular topic for new witches and “old” witches alike (I use the term old here to imply time in the craft and not necessarily age). Magick is a powerful attractor and money is a necessity that just about everyone needs. There is nothing wrong with using magick to bring money, if you do it correctly.

Please note that as you do the following spells, the money is not going to appear the very next day. It may take time for the magick to work. For this reason, I often tell my students to perform the magick a week or two before they know they’ll actually need the money. This gives the magick time to work and puts the witch in a much less desperate state of mind.

If you’d like to personalize any of the spells or create your own money spell, I will provide the basic correspondences for money and prosperity. Herbs associated with money include Patchouli, frankincense, benzoin resin, dill, pine, cinnamon, vervain, mint and cinquefoil. Use the color green for candles and elsewhere in your money rituals. Also, make sure you are facing north when you perform your money magick, and have other items representing earth on your altar. The best days of the week for money spells are Thursday and Sunday. The stones associated with money are citrine, Malachite, aventurine, jade, garnet and tiger-eye.

Spell #1

Prepare an area where you can leave a candle undisturbed for 9 days. Select a good-sized green candle. Anoint it with Almond oil (or extract if you can’t get the oil). Place the bill you need paid under the candle. If you cannot place the bill itself under the candle, write down the amount you owe, the date it is due and who you owe it to on a piece of paper and use that.
Just before sunrise, light the candle and visualize this bill being paid in full. Focus on that image for at least 10 minutes. Once the sun has risen, repeat this incantation:
Hail and welcome the Coming Day
When all my debts are swept away.
As today a new day’s dawning
Let my will be done this morning.
Release me from financial bind
And ease the worry from my mind.
Help me now to pay this debt
A kindness that I’ll not forget.
Grant my plea and hear my call
Be it only for the good of all.
Let the candle burn another 5 minutes then snuff it out. Leave the candle on top of the bill or paper. Each morning at sunrise, re-anoint and light the candle. Repeat the spell. By the end of the ninth day, you should find you have the money you need, or the means to get the bill paid. In some cases, you may find the debt collector agreeable to having the repayment of the bill temporarily postponed.
To seal the spell, you should give something back, as a thank you for what you have gained. Donate some clothes to a shelter or time to a children’s group.
Give blood. Something to say thanks to the Deities and return the favor that has been granted to you.
Spell #2

This money bottle spell should be performed on a Thursday during the Waxing Moon.

You’ll Need:
* 5 new coins in each denomination (pennies, dimes etc.)
* 5 each of the following spices/seeds: Cinnamon sticks, cloves, dry corn, allspice, pecans (or peanuts) and sesame seeds.
Place coins and spices in a glass bottle (an empty spice bottle works well).
Shake for several minutes to combine the ingredients. While shaking, repeat the following:

Silver and spices, Copper and grain, I need to increase my money gain.

Keep the bottle near where you usually store your purse or wallet.

There are many other money spells out there to try. But these two are my favorites.
I hope they work well for you!

Brightest Blessing,

Rose Ariadne, Your Warm And Caring “Resident Witch In Charge”

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Posted by Rose | Comments (2)

Dear Friends,

Money manifesting is one of the most popular topics in Wicca and Paganism, at least for the new witch. They are excited about the prospect of having money come into their lives without (seemingly) any effort. They can’t wait to be rich beyond their wildest dreams! And they immediately want to burn a few candles, say a few words and have the cash come rolling in.

I hate to break this bubble, but unfortunately, it doesn’t always work like that. If it did, all people with some money incense from the local occult shop and a green candle would be rolling in the dough.

Let me put it this way, I am not fabulously wealthy, but I have always had enough money for what I need. Even when I was in my early 20s and my husband and I were struggling, we always had what we needed. Checks would come in the mail just as we required them, sometimes from mysterious places. I once got an unexpected refund from the DMV, how often does that happen?

The key to money magick is not the tools, the herbs, the candles or the spell’s words. Like all magick, the true key is the belief. Beliefs about money have a powerful impact on how much money we have.

We manifest what we think about. If you completed the apple exercise in the last message, your thoughts about the apple produced it in your physical plane.
The focus on that thing created a thought form that arrived in your life within the period of seven days.

However, we also create thought forms without doing that focused exercise.
Think about your thoughts on a day-to-day basis. Are you constantly worried about money? Do you frequently think about how much money you don’t have?
Are you in fear of poverty?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are inviting poverty into your life. If you are constantly thinking about the lack of money, you will manifest a lack of money. When your worst fears consume your thoughts, you end up having to live your worst fears.

How do we change this? You have to change the habits and beliefs that you have regarding money and wealth. You have to do some research on yourself and find out what you truly believe about money. How do you feel about money? What does the word wealth mean to you? What do you think about people who are rich?

I know what you are thinking “Rose, this sounds like motivational/self help talk. What does this have to do with magick?” Quite a bit actually.
Magick stems from belief. If you believe deep down that you are not worthy of money, then you won’t manifest it – no matter how many spells you do. If you believe that people who have money are “evil,” you won’t be able to perform your magick effectively. If you have any qualms about having money, it just won’t come. It’s that simple.

Begin to look at money and prosperity as a flow, like I showed in the last message. The law of abundance is a real phenomenon. I’ve seen it work in my life countless times. Open yourself up to receiving the flow of wealth and money, and you will be able to get the resources that you need. Figure out what is blocking your belief regarding money, and change your thought habits.
Work on changing your beliefs. Tell yourself time and time again that money is yours and it will come. This inner work acts as the foundation for your money magick.

In the next message, I’ll get into specifics of applying money magick to your life.

Love And Light,

Rose Ariadne, Your Warm And Caring “Resident Witch In Charge”

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Posted by Rose | Comments (2)