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Dear Friends,
It truly was a wonderful trip, and now I am back – with some exciting things in store for you all…
Here is what is coming up :
- A sad story (but “uplifting†in away, in fact, it proves than animals have a connection to Magick)
- Another interview clip (and newsletter issue) of me discussing using Magick to bring peace and happiness… it is important to remember that you should not just use Magick to help yourself, but you should focus on the greater good too!
- A heartwarming story from one of my subscribers who used Magick to create one of the best miracles of all…
- The “Ask Rose†website where you can all ask questions until your hearts desire… and I will answer - and the answers will “Magickally†appear on the website for all to see. Over time, this website will hold a wealth of information, and best of all, it’s FREE.
For now, let me jump into the next 3 questions, and the “Q&A With Rose Ariadne #3â€â€¦
The first question is from Caroll….
“Rose –
Thank you for sending me your newsletter, I truly enjoy it.
I am a beginner and it helps me to get a better understanding of what to do or not do.
I do have a question about the love spells.
You said in your last newsletter that you must cast the spell and let it go. I understand that. When, where and how will happen in its proper time.
But I heard that visualizing it as if it has been done helps the spell.
Like it is for a specific person you may be interested in visualizing the two of you together like on a date or something. Or if it is a money or health you visualize yourself with money or being in better health etc.
 Or does that hinder the spells?
 Thank you for your time,
Hello Caroll!
That is a GREAT question, and one that deserves a good response… and I believe that the answer already lies within your wonderful question.
You are so very correct. Visualization is one of the most important things whenever you cast ANY spell. And it works best when done DURING the spell… the more intense your visualization of what you desire, the more Magick energy will charge the spell – and be released into the cosmos.
But be careful.
Continuing your visualizations after the spell is very close to “dwelling†on the results, and can hinder your spells. You aren’t “letting the spell go†if you are thinking about it and visualizing the results. Don’t. Visualize your desires as much as you can during the spell, but let it go and fade from your mind AFTER you are done…
Love And Light Caroll…
This next question is from “Myraâ€â€¦
“Dear Rose,
I do believe in witch craft but… I feel I am to young to start.
 I am only in junior high and I want to know if I should stop…
I know I have a connection to Magick, and I’m not sure what to do.
My mother had gotten hurt and was bleeding i had done a spell and she stopped bleeding instantly….that was my first spell.
Also, I have practiced my physic abilities and after a few days I could see some peoples auras. My friend had a dark red area and I’m sensing some problems that he is not telling anyone. What does having a dark red aura mean? I would greatly appreciate your advice.
Blessings to you and your loved ones,
Merry Meet Myra!
This is an extremely difficult issue for me to deal with, but I will do my best!
You see, when one is as young as you, there are a lot of things to consider. Your parents are your guardians, and it is important for you to follow their rules (in most cases). If they support you in your beliefs in Witchcraft and Magick, by all means, read, read, read… and practice. It sounds like you have a very easy and natural connection to Magick energy, and it would be a shame for you to not develop it further at some point in your life.
On the other hand…
If you parents are against you in your beliefs (and many parents can be intolerant in this area… it’s too bad, but it’s a fact of life) it is important for you not to rebel too much and create a lot of problems.
But you should never stop believing what you choose to believe in… and if that means “practicing†in private from time to time, then so be it.
I have to admit, it is tough for me to handle this question, and I feel as though I am “dancing around it†a bit. But it’s true… at your young age it is important to listen to your parents for the most part. And if you want to pursue Magick, even against their will, that is your choice to make… but please be careful. Approach Magick with care, and make sure your “heart†is in a happy place when you practice. Never (especially at your age) do Magick if you are angry or want to strike out.
Just some things to keep in mind my child.
As for auras, they can say a lot about people… and they show themselves in so many different ways. In fact, at first “look†it appears as though some people have no aura at all… of course everybody does have an aura, and sometimes you need to open yourself up to it a little more to see it. Hmmm… I sense a full newsletter issue on this topic in the future!
Anyway, you are right Myra. If your friends aura is a deep red, it does indicate that there is some turmoil, anger, uncertainty, etc. in him/her. Everyone has a “base†aura, but they can change with moods. You should maybe try to gently ask a few questions and see if he/she is willing to open up and talk… sometimes that’s all it takes.
The final question in this issue is from Pamela…
“Dear Rose,
Can you do a love spell for me, and a money one?
I am not as good at it as you are. I do not have the money to pay you obviously yet but I will.
My name is Pamela Jean M., and my husband is Joseph Michael M. I live in Oregon. This last year has been the worst ever imaginable. I can not even go into it anymore because it has been devastating.Â
Instead of a love spell something like an attraction sexually to the opposite sex would work good to help me get my self esteem back.
I thank you and bless you for this. He thinks after seventeen years he does not have to offer me intimacy anymore out of a obsession to control me. I want this to stop. I have asked everyone including God to help me. If you can I well repay you in kind.
Pamela M.”
Dear Pamela,
First and foremost, I am so sorry you find yourself in this situation. Take some solace in the fact that thousands of people find themselves in similar situations, as painful as it is…
I am also sorry that I don’t believe in casting spells “for†others. The reason is, you can do far more powerful Magick for yourself than ANYONE can ever do for you (no matter how experienced they are).
You see, Pamela, you have a personal connection to your problem. A very emotional connection… and this is the source from where your power will come.
(A little “tangentâ€â€¦ you know those spell casting services that charge $29 or $79 for a spell to be cast remotely? I believe it is hogwash, for the most part. The reason is, these “people†who are supposedly casting spells for you, have no idea who you are – and more importantly, they have no emotional connection to you, or your desire.)
And about your thoughts regarding a spell to increase your sex appeal (and your confidence)… I am not exactly sure that is the right thing to do.
Your lack of confidence could be a part of the problem, but I think an even deeper root is a loss of passion, and the “base†connection you had with your husband early on in your relationship.
You need to focus on rebuilding that connection, and your self confidence. For rebuilding the connection with your husband – I have to point to a very powerful (and long) ritual in my Home Academy. It is the single best ritual I have ever seen for rekindling the passion, love, and care in a long relationship. There is no way I could possibly lay this ritual out for you (it is too big) which is why it is on the Ultimate Love Spell Mastery bonus DVD in the course.
If you are interested, Pamela, here is where to get more information:
Even more importantly, is to focus on your confidence first and foremost. And for that, I have something quick that can really help…
It’s a “self love†bath, and it is absolutely wonderful!
Pick a time when you have at least 45 minutes to yourself…
Decorate your bathtub with live plants all around it… along with some of your favorite candles, and some calming, soothing music.
Collect fresh blossoms and add them to the nice, warm bath water.
As you bath in the water of blossoms, feel the energy from the “living things†all around you fill your heart with belief in yourself… and Love for yourself.
Then, gaze at the candles, and feel the soothing warmth of their glow fill your soul with comfort, and confidence in everything you do… in the person you are.
As you relax, think about all of the positive things you have done in your life… the positive qualities that are within you. Push away everything negative that pops into your mind, especially the depressed state of mind you’ve been in…
Only positive, wonderful thoughts should fill your heart, and your bath. It is your bastion of confidence, and let it fill you to the brim!
I promise, you will feel much better…
That’s all I have time for in this issue… next up, the Friday Evening Witchcraft Rant…
Rose Ariadne
Your Warm And Caring “Resident Witch In Chargeâ€
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