Rose Ariadne's Chitchcraft Blog

In my lifetime, I have done thousands of rituals and spells. I have been in touch with Magick energy for a long time…but I was never able to control it until that moment in my Grandmother’s attic.

You will hear a lot of different theories on how Magick works. And it doesn’t matter what type of “Magick” is being discussed.

You’ve heard of ESP, psychics, Shaman healers, Witches, etc…

The truth is, we all draw on the same hidden energies in the universe. From psychics, tarot readers, healers, and Wiccans. But if there is one thing I have learned – more important than all of the “theory”, it is this…

You must believe in what you are doing. You must not only believe in your intentions, but you must believe that what you desire will come to pass.

Because if you have even an inkling of doubt when you sit down in front of that altar to do a spell – the outcome of anything you are trying to do will not be what you want.

And, from the moment I saw the vision in the meditation in my Grandma’s attic – and from the moment she looked into my eyes and uttered those 4 words…I finally truly believed wholeheartedly in the hidden powers of our universe. I finally had confirmation in my own mind, that what I suspected all along was true.

Magick energy exists, and we all have the ability to control it.

Above everything else you have ever heard about how Magick works – belief is the fuel that powers every single spell…every single psychic reading…

And every single thing you do.

I could ramble on about this need for belief in your Magick – and your dreams – all night long. It is that important.

And there are very specific ways I am going to boost your belief levels in my next blog posts – so that there will be no doubt in your mind that you CAN do Magick. That you can make the life you have always wanted, with the help of Magick.

For now, my eyes are growing heavy – and it is time to rest my head.

Until next week – keep on believing…


Posted by Rose Comment 1

1 Comment

  1. Henry says

    Rose, I “Knew” the “I am” in you. I felt the Love. Thank you!!!

    April 28th, 2006 | #

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