Rose Ariadne's Chitchcraft Blog

One of the key concepts of magick is that your thoughts and desires can work to shape the reality around you. When we perform a spell or ritual, we focus on our thoughts on our desires in an attempt to create the reality that we want. Creative visualization is an important part of magick, as visualizing your desires will help to make it real to your body and mind which can then help it to manifest in your own world, or reality.

Everyone visualizes. From young children to wizened-elders, everyone visualizes, even if only in their dreams at night. Many people however, visualize not only in their sleep, but during the day as well. Believe it or not, “day-dreaming” is actually a method of visualization. Consciously, or even unconsciously, “fantasizing” or visualizing is the minds way of using your imagination to “see” your reality the way that you want it.

Now, it is important to remember that not all visualization is positive and that can be detrimental to how your reality is ultimately shaped. Many people are totally unaware that some of their thoughts may consist of negative visualization and may be seriously impacting their life in a harmful way. Have you ever encountered someone with a cold and thought to yourself, “Oh great! Now I’m going to catch a cold!”

Or perhaps you made a mistake with something at work. Did you spend the rest of the day thinking, “Oh man! If my boss finds out about this I’m going to get fired!”

Is your vocabulary filled with “I can’t” or “I never” or “Why do I even try?” All of these statements and thoughts are negative visualizations. As you are thinking them, you are more than likely imagining those instances playing out. These thoughts can actually shape your reality, determining your future and causing the negative things to happen to you. You get sick…you get fired. Your beliefs create a negative reality.

When you learn to change your thoughts and create positive visualizations, you create a positive future. Your positive beliefs determine a positive reality. Now this theory may sound crazy to some at first, but what if I told you it was an extremely widespread belief found throughout many different religions and even science? The basis of magick is that by sending our desires out into the Universe, we can obtain the outcome we want. In Christianity, the Bible even states that “I have said ye are Gods,” and what we deem true here on Earth, God deems true in Heaven. What we visualize becomes our reality through prayer. Scientists believe, and have even proven through scientific experimentation, that how we perceive things, or how we visualize them, determines how the environment around us is manifested.

The key to making the power of positive thinking, or creative visualization, work for you is to realize that it is more than just having a thought or visualizing a picture. Your entire being must “feel” it. Your mind, body, heat and soul must all be in-tune with your visualization. You cannot simply vocalize positive thoughts. When your co-worker is coughing all over you and you walk away thinking you can feel those germs crawling all over you, simply saying, “Ok, well, I’m not going to get sick,” isn’t going to work if deep down inside you’re already trying to figure out how many days you’re going to miss from work.

Learning to harness the power of positive thinking is not always easy. One of the best ways to do so is by using positive affirmations to help shape a positive reality. Take some time out of your day to meditate and use your positive affirmations. Say things such as “I am happy.” Use present tense statements. Say the statement with authority, as if you already have it in your life. Focus on the things that you want, rather than the things that you do not want. Do not say, “I do not want to be depressed.” Reaffirm to yourself that you wish to be happy. Speak directly to yourself to boost your self-image. Tell yourself, “Mary, you are worthy of happiness and love.”

Using creative visualization and positive thinking will greatly help to improve your life, and shape a positive reality for you. It will help improve how well your magick works, and can even have a positive impact on your personal relationships and health. Think positive, and give yourself the gift of a happy, positive future.

Brightest Blessings,

Rose Ariadne
Your Warm and Caring “Resident Witch in Charge”

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Dear Friends,

Say the word cauldron to a non-pagan, and most people get the image of a wrinkled old crone stirring eye of newt or wing of bat into the cauldron. While those of us “in the know” understand that such images are not only false, but somewhat amusing, cauldrons and witches do seem to go hand-in-hand.

The reality is, a cauldron is a very handy tool to have in your magick box, as it can be used for a variety of things. Cauldrons are of course excellent for mixing potions, but they can also be used as a fire pit, an incense burner or even a potpourri pot. Some witches may never actually use their cauldron to perform magick, but still have one none-the-less as a magickal element upon their altar. The cauldron is symbolic of the Goddess, making it an excellent choice as an altar decoration. The shape of the cauldron is representative to the womb, a symbol of birth or rebirth. This makes it a powerful tool for use in purification rituals or spells that represent a new start.

If you have never purchased a cauldron, there are some things that you should take into consideration before spending your hard earned cash. First, you must determine exactly what you will be using your cauldron for. If you will indeed be using your cauldron to brew potions by fire, or exposing it to heat in any way, you should absolutely make certain that you choose a cauldron made from cast iron. Cast iron is a strong and durable material that will keep fire contained, making safer for use both indoors and out.

Most cauldrons that you find will be made from cast iron, both large and small. However, some cauldrons sold in specialty stores will be made from other materials like ceramic or enamel. These cauldrons are still suitable for some uses, but should never be used with fire. If you will only be using your cauldron as a decorative touch or for holding non-flammable items, these cauldrons are sufficient and normally not as expensive as cast iron.

If you will be using your cauldron to brew potions, look for a cauldron that comes with a fitted lit and carrying handle. This will make it easier to move if necessary, and in some spells or rituals you may actually need to cover the pot with a tight fitting lid for the spell to work properly. It is also important to consider the size of the pot you will need before you make your purchase. While it may seem more prudent at first to buy the largest cauldron you can find or afford, it is not always the smartest idea. A large cast iron cauldron will be heavy! This may make it harder for you to move around safely, especially if it is full of liquid. Unless you know for a fact that you will be working with a large amount of materials, a medium size cauldron of about six to eight inches in diameter is usually sufficient for most spell work.

One of my favorite uses of a cauldron is scrying. It is easy to use almost any size cauldron for a scrying ritual, though a medium size pot does make it a bit easier to focus on the visions that unfold. For such a ritual, I simply fill the pot with fresh, clean water. I personally like to use clean spring water that I have let be cleansed and charged for a few hours in the sun. This is not necessary, but in my opinion is better than using tap water which may be loaded with man-made chemicals. Once the cauldron is filled, I will toss in a handful of Marigold petals, fresh if they are available though dried will work fine in the off-season as well. I will burn incense that will aid me in my ritual, such as frankincense or lemongrass to increase clarity, or cinnamon to enhance my psychic intuitions.

As I gaze into the water, I allow my mind to clear and as the Goddess to grant me a vision of the future. Make sure to not focus on one event that you wish to learn of, rather keep an open mind to be granted the ability to see what the Goddess desires you to see.

Make sure to treat your cauldron as you would any of your other tools; with respect and care. Clean the cauldron after each use, and dry it thoroughly to prevent it from rusting. As with any magick tools, if you treat your cauldron with care it will serve you well for many years to come.

Brightest Blessings,

Rose Ariadne
Your Warm and Caring “Resident Witch in Charge”

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Posted by Rose | Comments (1)

Dear Students,

I must apologize for neglecting the blog for the past few weeks. Due to the Simple Spell Casting E-Kit, and all the work around it, I just didn’t have time to post. But I’m back on track now… I really need a vacation! ;) Speaking of “vacations”… next time you take one, why not make it Magickal?

Planning a family vacation is often stressful enough without having the additional worry of how your home will fare when you are away. Constantly fretting over a burglar breaking in or some freak storm causing damage to your home can really prevent you from having a good time while you are away.

There are a number of different spells and methods of protection that can be used to add an additional layer of protection to your home while your family will be gone. Now, it’s important to remember that using these magickal methods of protection is meant to be an additional means of protection. Common sense and good judgment should still be your first priority in protecting your home while everyone is absent. Lock your doors and windows, turn off all unnecessary appliances, have a trusted friend or family member check on your home occasionally; all of these things are still essential in helping to keep your sanctuary safe. However, unless you are having a round-the-clock house sitter keep an eye on things, it also can’t hurt to add a few layers of magickal protection as well.

There are many methods of magick that can be used to protect your home. You can use just one, or employ a variety for a strong circle of protection. I personally enjoy making an easy potion that can be left in the home while I’m away, or even be left in place when my family is home. This particular potion and spell can be used to protect both your home and the people and items within it. To make the spell, you will first need to gather your materials. Fortunately, you probably already have many of these ingredients already in your kitchen. For those you don’t have, you should be able to easily find that at your local grocery store. To make your protection potion you will need:

A medium size jar with a lid
Enough salt to almost fill the jar
5 cloves of garlic
5 tablespoons of dill seed
5 tablespoons of anise seed
5 tablespoons of dried basil
5 tablespoons of dried fennel
5 tablespoons of dried sage
5 bay leaves
5 tablespoons of black pepper

Place all of the ingredients into separate small bowls upon your altar, with a large bowl in the center to mix the ingredients in. Cast your circle to begin working your magick. Start by placing the salt into the bowl and say “Salt that protects, protect my home and all that is within.” Continue adding each ingredient into the bowl with the same chant, only changing the name of the ingredient added. Do not mix the ingredients as they are added, you want to wait until all ingredients are in the bowl.

Once you have added each ingredient, slowly mix all of the herbs together using your hands. Envision positive, protective energy coming through your body and into the ingredients. Visualize your home being enclosed in a shining, safe white light. Pour the ingredients into the jar and tightly seal the lid. If you desire, you can light a white candle and melt a small amount of wax around the seal of the jar to add an additional seal. Place the jar in a secure location in your home. When leaving my home, I will usually place the jar right by the front door. Otherwise, I will place the jar in a hall closet or somewhere else that it will not be tampered with. When you place the jar in its secure spot, say the following words, “Salt and herbs contained inside, protect and guard this home of mine.”

This is just one method of home protection that can be used while you are away from your home that will add an extra layer of protection and help give you a sense of security while you travel. Another method of protection that you can use is to bury crystals around your home or property edge that are known for their protective powers. Some crystals, such as quartz, riverstone, ruby and halite, work better for protecting your home or other buildings than others. Cleanse the crystals before use to rid them of any negative energy, and bury them around your home to help add an additional layer of protection.

These are just a few of the methods that can be used to help protect your home while you are away. Of course, these methods can be used anytime, whether you will be away from home or not. You may be surprised at how much that extra little bit of security will help put your mind at ease and help you have a great vacation without stressing as much about how things are at home.

Brightest Blessings,

Rose Ariadne
Your Warm and Caring “Resident Witch in Charge”

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