Rose Ariadne's Chitchcraft Blog

Ok where was I before I got interupted by hungry cats and tired children? Oh yes – the dreams… After drifting off to sleep, not only would I dream the things I hoped for (and told my Grandmother about), but I’d have other dreams that you wouldn’t believe.

 Talk about a fantasy land.

The dreams I’d have were like Harry Potter, Alice and Wonderland, and Lord of the Rings all rolled up into one! I still don’t know how she did it. How she’d hear what I wanted to dream, and make it so. Maybe it was only my subconsious “wanting” the dream so bad, I’d have it… but I like to think it was something she did. I can still feel here warm touch on my head when she was “giving” me the dream I was hoping for…

It is so comforting, especially now that I am older, to know that there is a hidden energy in this world that has the power to create miracles to those who unlock it’s secrets. The funny thing is, 99% of the people out there absolutely refuse to acknowledge it! Anyway, back to my story… When I was a little older she brought me into her attic. I still remember the secret look she gave me a she motioned for me to join her. I figured out later that it was my “coming of age” with her, and the connection she already knew I had to Magick energy.

And what happened next is something I will never forget for as long as I live… Ok, ok, so I am going to keep you in suspense.

But I promise, the wait will be well worth it next week! It is hard to get a good block of time in my schedule to write much more than this in one sitting…be safe until I talk to you next week.

BB, Rose

Posted by Rose Comments 3


  1. Loriann says

    I like that. I love it. I alway dream thing fantasy. My favorite is fantasy and neverend. I feel like it. It is dream something the fairy. I love it. But I look outside beautiful about the sunset. :smile:

    April 11th, 2006 | #
  2. hanneke says

    thank you for your wonderfull blog. I love to read it. hanneke

    April 12th, 2006 | #
  3. Jackey says

    I have tried to send you emails but they all say undeliverable. Why cant I email you back at the address you send to me?

    April 12th, 2006 | #

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