Rose Ariadne's Chitchcraft Blog

Dear Friends,

Mediation is a vital part to any spiritual practice. It has been part of my practice of Wicca for over 20 years. Meditation teaches the mind to focus, and can also allow you to tune into your body and spirit. Let’s face it, in today’s society we are constantly bombarded by images, opinions and stress. Meditation allows you to take a step back and spend some time just with yourself.

With regular practice, meditation introduces you to the initial stages of trance. Don’t start out meditating with the intention of practicing for hours on end. Five minutes is a great start that you can build on as you progress.
There are many different types of meditation. For each of them, you’ll want to pick a time and place where it is quiet and you won’t be disturbed, just like with your magickal practice. Start out by grounding yourself. It is recommended that you take a seated position, instead of trying to stand or lie down. If need be, support your back by resting against a wall or a piece of furniture.

The first type of meditation that I use regularly is the silent mantra for stress release. I’m sure you need more of this is your life, right? Stress release is so important to work into your life immediately. We are overstressed and overworked these days. The mind, body and spirit cannot work properly when overly stressed.

To start the silent mantra, choose a single word. This word will be your mantra. I’ve used “calm,” “love,” “peace,” and “power” in my practice. Once you’re seated, clear your mind and relax as best you can. Allow yourself at least two minutes of relaxing before you start trying to use the mantra. When you start, allow your word to repeat itself in your mind. Allow your breathing to start slowing down as your mind repeats the word over and over again. It will fall into a natural repetitive pattern. Continue as long as you can.

Alpha meditation is the method I use when I want to talk to my spirit guides. Before you start meditating, light a white candle that will be placed out of your view. Dim the lights and use some soft music. Make sure the music is at a low volume, you won’t actually be listening to the music. Instead, it provides white noise to block out any other sounds. Prepare your body and mind, and then envision in your mind’s eye a blank white wall. Envision the wall turning to red, then orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and then indigo. Keep your vision at indigo for as long as possible. Reverse the order of the colors before ending your session.
I also use a relaxation exercise quite frequently that helps relax all of my muscles. I use this often before my regular rituals to prepare my body in addition to a ritual bath. Dim the lights and use relaxing music at a low volume. Settle yourself in a position where you are stretched out completely. For this exercise, you can lie on the floor. Starting with your feet, contract the muscles and hold for three seconds. Then release the muscles in your feet, and continue up the length of legs contracting your shins and releasing. Proceed with the rest of your muscles all the way up to your face. Repeat at least three times.

Remember, meditation doesn’t have to be scary or done in a specific way. Within the context of the practice of Wicca, its purpose is to relax your mind, body and soul for your magickal work. Meditation in the three forms I’ve described doesn’t take much time at all and the benefits are really wonderful.
Brightest Blessing,

Rose Ariadne, Your Warm And Caring “Resident Witch In Charge”

Posted by Rose Comments 8


  1. Sherry says

    Thank you for your Friday rants! As a new solitary wicaan, your rants are filled with fantastic useful information
    Sherry :smile:

    May 27th, 2007 | #
  2. richard leclaire says

    I also agree with Sherry, thank you rose just for being there for us and caring so much , all the best to all of yours always .

    May 28th, 2007 | #
  3. and black jack

    interests.adrift revocable grimly floats Stan

    June 6th, 2007 | #
  4. trace says

    Enjoyed this rant. Meditation is something difficult for me. Hope your ideas will help.

    June 11th, 2007 | #
  5. trace says

    By the way thank you for making this info available.

    June 11th, 2007 | #
  6. Diana says

    thanks for this info. Id like some more info on communicating with spirit guides, if you have some.

    thanks again

    August 10th, 2007 | #
  7. tay says

    so,i agree that meditation is really important not only in the practice of wiccan.but,is it a must to visualize the change of color of the “white wall”or i might just do it my own way?
    and,thx for doing all these for us:razz:

    May 3rd, 2008 | #
  8. Lavendar says

    Thank you for this message.It really helped a lot.:grin:

    April 12th, 2009 | #

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