Rose Ariadne's Chitchcraft Blog

Dear Friends,

After discussing with you about finding tools for spell work, I realized that I had not really touched on ritual clothing, and the many options that you have. While the majority of people think that all witches practice skyclad, the fact of the matter is many witches prefer to remain clothed and have certain “outfits” they prefer to use during rituals.

What you wear to perform your spells and rituals is really of very little consequence. You will be just as successful at your magick if you are skyclad as you are if you are wearing your favorite worn out jeans and a T-shirt. Many people find however, that wearing ritual clothing helps to better put them in the right frame of mind for working magick, and helps them to have more focus.

I can definitely understand how this mindset works. After all, most of us usually will “set the scene” before we perform our spells and rituals or even perform meditations and divinations. Creating the right ambiance for our works helps us to focus on the task at hand, and provides a particular environment that is more suitable for magick. Just as you may chose certain lighting and tools to help create the mood, you may also chose certain clothing as well.

Ritual clothing can consist of virtually anything. Many witches find that making their own clothing helps to add a personal touch, and adds it’s own magick to the clothing which aides in their spell work. You don’t have to be a master seamstress to make your own ritual clothing, in fact you can make a simple robe out of a bedsheet or piece of fabric in almost no time at all. If you are handy with a sewing machine, you can of course create ritual clothing that is as simple or as ornate as you desire. If you feel that making your own ritual clothing is out of your league, there are still many options available to you.

For women, you can chose a simple dress or robe that will be suitable to wear during your workings. Men can also find a simple robe, or if they prefer a pair of loose fitting pants and shirt that are used when they are working magick. Keep in mind that you want to be comfortable while working, so choosing loose fitting, light and breathable clothing is important. You’ll hardly be able to focus on your spell if you are wearing clothing that is too tight, or a robe made of heavy, itchy wool.

My personal recommendation is to choose a simple piece of clothing made from natural fibers. If you are fond of more fancy attire, you can always dress up your clothing by using jewelry. Creating braided belts from natural fibers, or beaded belts made from stones and beads can also add decoration to your clothing and help to personalize your attire.

While some people do prefer to work skyclad as they feel it is more conducive to their magick, I always like to suggest that a witch have some type of clothing available to them for whatever need may arise. If you suddenly have the urge to perform a spell under the moon in February, chances are you are not going to want to be outside in all your glory, freezing in the chilled winter air. At these times, having a ritual robe to wear outdoors is quite beneficial and practical, yet will still help you stay in the “ritual” frame of mind.

The most important thing to remember is that ritual wear is not essential to your magick working. You are no less of a witch just because you do not have designated clothing that you wear during rituals, just as you are no more of a witch if you do. As with everything in our craft, it is a very personal choice that only you can make. However, choosing or making your ritual wear can be very fun, and provides you a great way to personalize your craft even more.

Brightest Blessings,

Rose Ariadne
Your Warm and Caring “Resident Witch In Charge”

Posted by Rose Comment 1

1 Comment

  1. SAMSON says

    Yes what you say is true. When I’m alone I prefer Skyclad. When I’m with others I prefer a robe, although Skyclad under. But in change the best spells I’ve ever cast was for my Xwife, they were money spells, I cast waring street cloths, and they came out with a vengeance.

    October 9th, 2009 | #

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