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Dear Friends,
After much thought I decided to include some topics in this issues interview clip that I was never planning on releasing.
I know I told you I was going to give you a clip of me discussing a topic that is near and dear to my heart (communicating with the spirits of loved ones), but you’ve all been so good to me, I just wanted to give you a little bit more.
Actually, it’s a lot more. You see, I have included a talk about the tools of Witchcraft, and where the “power†of tools actually comes from. And then I included one of my favorite topics – and I absolutely LOVE talking about it…
How Magick really works. This is a fascinating topic, and it can be looked at from 2 main perspectives, both of which are exciting and very interesting. Things are changing in our world, and even science seems to slowly be coming around to at least acknowledge the existence of hidden energy… but I don’t want to spoil the interview for you right now.
What I’ve decided to do is discuss some additional information regarding these 3 topics in this newsletter – so that it flows right along with the interview clip.Â
Let’s get started…
The Summer’s Day Filled With “Tennis Court Tearsâ€
I’m going to talk about connecting and communicating with spirits by giving you a personal example. It is something that continues to touch my life until this day…
Most of you know about my relationship I had with my Grandmother before she crossed over (and the relationship I still have with her). She is the reason I have studied and practice different forms of Magick and Witchcraft almost my entire life.
But it was my Grandfather who fulfilled so many other things in my life – we were very close.
I remember visiting his house as I was growing up as a young girl. The long car rides up the coast seemed like they took forever (he lived about 5 or 6 hours away, which seemed like an eternity back then). I couldn’t wait to get to his house, to see his sparkling eyes and loving grin filled with harmless mischief…
If truly there ever was a soul filled to the brim with nothing but positive energy, my Grandfather was it.  He drank every last drop of life, and made sure that everybody around him enjoyed it too.
Our “thing†together was to escape the house (while my mother and grandmother were making dinner) and sneak off for a game of Tennis. (I still love playing to this day).Â
He showed me how to play, and we would always practice together. I don’t know if it is possible for a person to be happier than I was in those moments. Just my tennis racquet, the ball, and my loving grandfather. Always with the twinkle in his eye, and the clever, witty comment just waiting to leave his tongue.
Then, when we were done, his eyes would pop open with adventure, and he’d give me that sly grin and whisper, “Let’s go get a little ice cream before dinner!â€
How could I resist? We’d go straight to the local ice cream shop and each get a double cone of our favorite flavor. (Mine was always double chocolate malted crunch, and his was pecan praline)
When we’d finally make it home, we were always late for dinner, each sporting an ice cream filled grin. First they’d get angry, but then they’d begin to laugh, because they knew deep down how special these moments were…
That was the essence of my grandfather.
One year, for my birthday, I was up visiting him and I opened a package. As I pulled off the last bit of wrapping paper, out slid a brand new tennis racquet. I couldn’t believe it – I was so excited!
Until then, I had been using an old wooden racquet from the 1930’s (I’m guessing, but trust me, it was old) – and now my grandfather had gotten me the best gift I could ever hope for. Though, it wasn’t really the racquet that I loved…
It was the fact that he had engraved my name on the handle followed by “Love, Grandpaâ€. It was what that racquet symbolized to me that mattered most. The months and years of friendship and love we shared, both on and off the tennis court (and “in†and “out†of the ice cream parlor).
The years went by, until we had our last tennis game.Â
I honestly can’t remember specifically when our last tennis game was – but I know it was the same wonderful time we always had. He crossed over after a long full life, years ago.Â
Oh did I grieve…
You can imagine the sadness that goes along with someone like that crossing over. But I kept using the racquet he gave me… remembering those special times every time I held it… every time I looked at his loving inscription from so long ago.
One day a few years ago, I was playing tennis with a friend. I had long ago stopped grieving for my Grandpa’s passing, but still thought of him fondly (especially when on the court with my racquet).
The ball was coming, I swung my racquet, felt it make contact with the ball, and then…
I heard a sickening SNAP… and felt the tension in the racquet go limp.
I looked down at it, and to my shock, the metal around the top of the racquet had split in two…
I couldn’t contain myself, and I felt tears well up into my eyes almost immediately. I left the court in a rush with tears streaming down my face, with images of my Grandfather’s memory playing like a slide show in my head.
As I drove home, trying to see the road through the tears, I could “feel†him trying to calm me. Maybe the racquet broke because he felt it was time for me to move on through the next stage of grieving – because maybe I had never actually finished dealing with my sadness…
Or maybe it was simply the metal of the racquet had weakened over the years.
But I believe it was his way of connecting with me again – his way of getting me past the last stage of grief that I had to go through.
For the next week, all I did was think about all the good times I had spent with him. I even drove up north to visit his old house – the house I spent so many wonderful times in… I was searching for closure, and I wanted desperately to be close to him again – to say one last thing…
When I was on my trip, I was sleeping in the same bed I had slept in when I was a little girl. I had a dream – and I saw him. It was so clear – one of those dreams that wake you up in the middle of the night, and you just swear the dream was REAL and had occurred the previous day…
In my dream he was sitting on a log in the forest on a crystal clear day, with the sun shining down and glinting off of his forehead.
“Well helloooo there…â€, he said.
I simply said, “I miss you.â€
And he replied, “I know. It’s ok now.â€
And then I awoke… and even though I still miss him terribly, the grieving ended that day.Â
My “tennis court tears†are gone.
Many “scientific types†will say it was just a dream, there was no connection with my grandfather through any of this…
But I know better, and I have learned certain channeling techniques to connect with spirits since then. And I know, it was my grandfather’s way of allowing me to finish the grieving process – and move on.
I’ll tell you all about how to Channel and connect with your loved ones in my soon to be released book (and the Secret Surprise #2).
Now for the next section on Witchcraft Tools…
Are Witchcraft Tools Absolutely Necessary?
I cover this topic in detail during the new interview clip, so I won’t spend too much time on it in this issue.
What I will say is this: I have done very effective Magick spells without using a single tool, other than my finger.
I will also say that tools can add a lot of energy to any spell or ritual you do. And there are some more advanced spells that would be very hard to pull off without at least some tools.
There are many reasons why tools CAN help. Again, I discuss it extensively in my interview, but I’ll gloss over a couple reasons why now…
Do you know the feeling you get when you walk into a room with a beautiful altar, burning candles, and awe-inspiring hand crafted Witchcraft tools?
The feeling is one of wonder and beauty. And… it does wonders for your BELIEF… even though it is a self conscious thing (many times) – when you are working with tools, altars, candles, etc. your belief in your Magick actually increases than if you tried the same spell without them.
And as I discuss in Day #1 of my 7 Day Magick Mini Course (which is available by filling out the form in the right hand column of this page) belief is one of the main “fuels†behind every spell.
The second reason for Witchcraft tools helping you when doing Magick, is that every object has certain energies associated with it. There is a “core†energy inside of everything. When you add your own Magick energy to the already existing energies in a tool – this can effect the power of the Magick you are able to send out in your spells and rituals….
For a long conversation on this very topic, please listen to my interview clip on the blog…
Finally, the last topic for this newsletter issue…
How Does Magick Really Work?
I can’t begin to tell you how many times I have been asked this question. It is usually asked by people that really want to believe in Magick, and the miracles it can bring into their lives… but they just aren’t sure it is for real.
I never try to “convince†anyone of anything. All I can do is talk about my beliefs, and what I know to be true for myself (and others who agree).
In my interview I talk about 2 perspectives that consider the power of Magick energy. The first is the “religious†or “belief system†aspect… and the other is the “scientific†perspective.
Amazingly, both views give merit to the fact that there is a hidden energy throughout the Universe that can be controlled, and focused to achieve specific goals (by using spells, rituals, or other methods).
It really is all about understand the secret of tapping into the river of Magick energy within (and around) yourself – and focusing it to achieve the miracles you desire.
Whether you believe it is a “faith based†phenomenon or has a basis in “science†with things like quantum physics – the reality is, we ALL have the ability to awaken our inner Magick, and use it to make our lives better (and the lives of our loved ones).
I can’t wait to hear what you think about this week’s interview…
Love And Light,
Rose Ariadne
Your Warm And Caring “Resident Witch In Chargeâ€
P.S. Make sure to leave your comments by using the “comments†link right underneath this blog post…
Rose Ariadne’s Blog
P.P.S. If you have friends or family that you care about – that could benefit from any of this information, please feel free to forward this newsletter on to them. Or you can just use this link to inform them about my blog…
P.P.P.S. My next newsletter and interview will focus around another common question I get… “Are there any requirements to using Magick, and does age matter� So be looking for it… I’ll also be revealing some very specific details about my life’s work that is nearing completion (and should be ready next week).
:razz:Hi Rose! Ya know, the more I read here and the more I hear your voice, I’m beginning to feel a very deep spiritual connection to you. I am a long time practitioner of the craft (10 yrs) and I would like to pass your name on to the “Coast To Coast Radio Show with George Noory” which is heard every night from 9 pm to 1 pm PST, and it’s brodcasted to over 500 stations around the world. I think you would make an excellent guest on his show as he has one witch, Evelyn Paglini, who frequents the show, but by far, you would be better to reach people as your views and your demenor are a little more “rounded” than Ms. Paglini! Thank you again for all your hard work!
Love & Light!
Hey Rose,
Your story about your grandfather reminded me of my great grandmother, since i started reading your blog and listening to the interviews i’ve learned more about the craft, i started out as a cocky little snot who loved studying ancient religion (weird hobby i kno) when i discovered that Wicca and Paganism were the oldest i was likely to ever find well… when i started researching it i discovered how much i agreed with the principles and ended up becomeing one myself. spent the last year and a half learning everything i could about the Craft, thanks.
understand what you are saying.:mrgreen: I have been trying to understand what it was about on energy
that you cast out and you finally put it to where I could
under stand thank you so very much. your once again
a goddess on what you do for us so that we all here can learn what it is on the tools and how to use the
magick energy to cast spells and do witchcraft and
or do wiccan craft so that it will be used correctly and
that when it is released in the way that it will be effective and that it will work with all our belief and will
that we put in the magick and my self think that tools
are an important place in magick that you should use
but you are right you can use just you hands to do the
magick. well I could go on but my letter would be long
so keep up the work. I feel that I have a connection
with you and that I’m right there with you. I can not
wait to here your next interview on what you have to
say next.
interviews. I am so very greatful for you being able to
teach us. and your blogs here are wonderful and very interesting and informative and never boring. LOL
from your sister ragingmoon Bright Blessings To You
and may the Goddess and God continue to be with you inevery thing you do