…and how I stumbled across them one lazy summer’s day…

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Have you ever had a grandparent, or somebody else in your life that thought you were “special†in some way – and let you know about it?
And they didn’t necessarily have to tell you with words, but just gave you secret glances as if you were both connected in some way – to a hidden power between you…
I was my grandmother’s favorite grandchild – and I know that sounds kind of funny, but in my heart I know it’s true. She loved all of her grandchildren, but she always gave me just a little more attention than the rest.
She’d give me that “knowing look†once in awhile that sent shivers up and down my spine – as if we were both a part of some secret that nobody else knew about. I felt very close to her.
I remember like it was yesterday: when I was 12 years old, she gave me that same glance, and motioned for me to follow her into her Attic in a small corner of the house she lived in.
She always spent a lot of time in there – reading, writing, studying… I had only been inside when I was very young. Until now.
I was about to have my first “lessonâ€, and I didn’t even know it.
As a walked into the attic – it was the smell I first noticed. Do you remember the smell of your grandparent’s house? A wonderful smell of wisdom (I’m convinced if wisdom had a smell, this would be it) and adventurous days long sine gone – and this smell filling the house appeared to have been coming from the attic – because it was very strong…almost musty, but not quite.Â
It was as if I stepped into another world…
…there were hanging “things†all twisted with feathers and ribbons and cords and charms all around the room… rows and rows of very old books… bottles and bags, and a big open book on her desk with very cryptic writing in it. The light filtered in through one small window, and some colored charms reflected the rays of sunlight, giving the whole room a mystical feel.
We sat together, and I took my first journey through meditation.
This was the first time I ever (knowingly) connected with Magick energy.Â
We closed our eyes, and I remember her hands were pressed lightly against my forehead… and I had an experience that is very difficult to describe.
I felt connected to a force… an energy that is bigger than all of us. It was exhilarating, calming, and beautiful all at the same time.
I don’t know how long we sat meditating, but when it was over, she was looking into my eyes. Her lips slowly parted as she whispered, “You know. You believe.â€
My Grandmother was a Witch.
And I’m not talking about a New Age Witch, with traditions borne out of the 1950’s. She was a Witch steeped in ancient Magick tradition. She explained that her techniques, spells and rituals come from traditions centuries old. From European Gypsies, Druids, and Witches – to Shamanism, Indian, and Egyptian Magicks.
When looking through her attic from that day on, you could plainly see the variety of Magick paths that she drew from. She was a student of the oldest forms of Magick…and I eventually did some research on my own, and found out exactly how she got her hands on some of this knowledge – but that’s a story for another day…
The following years brought many lessons in Witchcraft from my Grandmother. Every time I would visit (which was often) she would show me a new way to connect with Magick energies. And then came the spells, rituals, and other ways to focus these energies to accomplish certain things.
I kept detailed records in a Book of Shadows she handed down to me… and after she crossed over, I spent a day in her attic in quiet meditation – remembering her, and all the lessons she taught me. Lessons in Witchcraft and the Magick arts that changed my life.
That’s when I saw it.Â
An old, but simply beautiful chest in the corner – covered with dust.Â
It had different Magick runes engraved on the outside, and when I clicked the latch and opened it up – I couldn’t believe my eyes.
There were literally thousands of old manuscripts, loose pieces of parchment, and books so old they were starting to crumble. I felt like I was in a movie, and had just discovered a chest full of treasure… but in this case it was a treasure of ancient Magick knowledge and practices of very old traditions.
Somehow, I feel my Grandmother meant for me to find it, and carry on these Magick traditions…
Much of it was written in strange tongues and different languages – and even more of it was written in different runes and Magick based scripts. Luckily, my Grandmother (and others) had spent painstaking hours translating all of it to English so that I could read and understand almost all of it…
The things I discovered in that trunk – the spells, rituals, and powerful traditions are the most effective methods of connecting with, and controlling Magick energy that I have ever come across. There are things that will give you goose bumps.
I vowed, at that moment, to make sure this knowledge was not lost.
I began what I consider my life’s work.
I took every piece of Magick knowledge contained “in my head†over 27 years of experience – and every spell, ritual, technique, and Magick tradition recorded on every piece of paper, manuscript, and document I found in my Grandmother’s attic…
What I have to show you below is not for everybody… some people simply don’t have any extra money to spend, and some people just aren’t serious about Witchcraft. But if you are serious about using Magick to start bringing life-changing miracles into your life (like Love, Friendship, Protection, and ending Money Worries for good), and you understand the value of having a teacher hold your hand through both Basic and Advanced Magick techniques (from the ancient Shamans through Modern day Magick), this simple to understand, never-before-offered resource will change your life.
And if it isn’t for you, don’t worry. I will continue to give you some free information, interviews, newsletters, as well as a copy of my book. I believe that a certain amount of learning should always be free. But the truth is, I feel there are many things regarding Witchcraft that must be seen, and carefully taught – and not just given to a public that could include anybody.Â
You never know who may use Magick to cause harm… People need to understand ethics, they need to understand how to tap into Magick energy in a way that brings miracles, and will not be used to cause harm. And there are many Advanced techniques that you simply need to see in order to “getâ€. This is why I have presented all of the ancient knowledge that I received from my Grandmother (and others) in a very special format… so that your Magick will work for you – so that you can make your life (and the lives of people you Love) better in just a short time…
And I combined everything into an easy-to-understand, step-by-step “Box Of Magick Miracles†. I know that title may sound a little over the top, but this information is capable of creating Miracles in your life (just like it has for me).
For years I have translated, combined, refined, and made sure everything is easy to understand (and perform) for anybody interested in changing their life with Magick.Â
But simply “reading†the information in a book form just isn’t enough. Not only can some Magick techniques cause “problems†if certain basics aren’t mastered, but there is a risk of misunderstanding when reading about how to perform certain Magick in books…
I know that unless you are able to actually “see†how things are done, there is a risk of not “getting itâ€â€¦ which can cause frustration, wasted time, loss of belief, and can cause some people to give up on the powers were all born with.
I wanted to go beyond just a book, and I wanted to make sure that anybody (even complete beginners) can easily tap into their Magick energy to create miracles with Magick. So they can actually see it being done – so that they’d understand all of the secrets to really making it work….
So I filmed full demonstrations of every Witchcraft technique, spell, and ritual in a simple “tutorial†style so that you can easily follow along and make sure you tap into the Magick reservoir within you to the fullest. So that you can use Magick to accomplish the things you dream about.
Here Is Only Some Of What The Box Of Magick Miracles Will Show You…
• How to cast beginner love spells, step-by-step (This section includes simple but very powerful love spells, including a special candle spell that has never failed me) – See Unit 4, Page 6
• Full step-by-step video demonstrations of beginner spells you can easily follow along with (love, money, protection, and more) – See DVD 3, Chapter 4 – 7
• The 3 things that “fuel” Magick, causing it to get the results you want (most people don’t even know about at least 1 of them, and it’s the biggest reason why spells fail) – See Unit 1, Page 29
• How to cast some beginner protection spells, step-by-step (each of these simple but powerful spells will use an “iron veil” to protect you and your loved ones from physical, mental, and emotional harm) – See unit 4, Page 12
• How to cast some beginner money spells, step-by-step (includes a secret “money growth” spell to get rid of your money worries forever) – See Unit 4, Page 9
• How to create 2 types of “sacred space” for casting spells (using both of these at the same time can double the effectiveness of any spell you cast) – See Unit 1, Page 37
• 51 extremely potent intermediate love spells (I walk you through each step of bringing love into your life using these unique kind of Love Magick) – See Unit 4, Page 23
WARNING: Some of these love spells can bring you the love of a specific person – for educational purposes only! (or extremely desperate circumstances – keep your ethics in mind!)
• 5 shockingly effective intermediate love spell demonstrations (you’ll discover the secret to focusing the power of these potent spells to target only people you will be interested in) – See DVD 3, Chapter 11 – 15• A warning about Witchcraft ethics when casting advanced and controversial spells – See DVD 1, Chapter 3
• 31 step-by-step, high-powered, advanced money spells (if you have money worries, I will guide you through each advanced money spell to clear your path to Wealth and Success) – See Unit 5, Page 23
• Secrets of candle, poppet, and mirror Magick – See DVD 3, Chapter 20
• Huge list of over 99 highly unique intermediate spells (each spell is categorized and ranked according to difficulty, with my step-by-step instructions) – See Unit 5, Page 1
Spell categories include: Money, Protection, Banishing, Love , Divination, Luck, Purification, Truth, Beauty, Weight, Binding, Weather, and much more (too much to list here)
• Step-by-step video demonstrations of 10 high-powered spells from the spell index (includes spells from these categories: Protection, Healing, Romance, Binding, Stopping Problems, Banishing, and more!) – See DVD 4, Chapter 2 – 10
• A step-by-step “7-minute ritual” most people don’t do (it will multiply your belief increasing both power and success of your spells) – See Unit 2, Page 22
• How to create your own spells that do anything you want – step-by-step (I’ll give you my own proven formula you can use to create any spell, and make sure it works perfectly!) – See Unit 4, Page 1
• How to write your own spells that really work (this table demonstration will reveal the secret of using a proven formula to create spells for every purpose!) – See DVD 3, Chapter 1
• How to see into the future, step-by-step, using Divination and why it really works (discover 10 easy ways you can see the future of your life and avoid anything negative that you see) – See Unit 4, Page 18
• 3 powerful video demonstrations on “How to invite spirits, ancestors, watchtowers, and deities into your spells” (the secrets revealed here actually show you how to get more power from them for faster spell results) – See DVD 4, Chapter 21 – 24
• Highly advanced love spell “walkthroughs” (I’ll walk you step-by-step through each of these Love Magick techniques and spells) – See Unit 5, Page 88
Warning: some of these spells are highly controversial. If you must use them in desperate circumastances, please remember your ethics when casting on a specific person (which I believe you should never do)! Some of these are for educational purposes only!
• The easy 3 minute meditation that will give you the 6 “golden keys” to cast a successful spell – See Unit 3, Page 20
• The responsibilities you have as you begin to use your Magick powers (you will also find out how to stop “Magick backfire” from ever happening) – See Unit 1, Page 23
• “How you can use Witchcraft tools to increase your Magick power” (includes full demonstration of creating a powerful Magick tool in just 9 minutes) – See DVD 3, Chapter 17
• How to “channel” hidden information about your life and others from the sprit world (I’ll walk you through a very powerful way of doing this, so that you can even get information about the future) – See Unit 5, Page 96
• “The Magick of Channeling” video demonstration (you will find out exactly how to get secret information about your life from the spirit world) – See DVD 4, Chapter 16
• A little trick you can do using candles to magnify your spell results, and make the results happen faster (you’ll discover exactly why the flame itself speeds up the process) – See Unit 4, Page 55
• Special step-by-step spell walkthrough for protecting your home and everyone in it! (Uses a powerful blend of candle and mirror Magick for maximum protection) – See Unit 4, Page 57
• 2 quick daily rituals that will increase your connection with your Magick energy (doing these will remove limitations on your Magick) – See Unit 3, Page 30
• Full list of Magick Crystals, Herbs, Plants, and Oils, and why they must be used in certain spells (you’ll also find out exactly what each one does for the results of your spells) – See Unit 4, Page 60
• 30 advanced and extremely powerful protection spells (this advanced protection Magick will make sure you, and people you love are protected in any situation)
- See Unit 5, Page 72
• 5 advanced protection spell demonstrations (I’ll show you how to easily cast these powerful spells for maximum protection of your home, yourself, and your family) – See DVD 4, Chapter 14
• How to practice Magick for “Scrying†(the easy method I show you will allow you to see future events unfold in a reflective surface in your house) – See Unit 5, Page 100
• The secret of calling spirits, elements, watchtowers, and deities to protect and help you with your spells (you’ll see how to give these helpers specific instructions to make your Magick even more powerful) – See Unit 5, Page 102
• 5 advanced “Money Magick” spell demonstrations (find out exactly how to do Money Magick spells to open your path to wealth, and get rid of money problems for good!) – See DVD 4, Chapter 12
Here Is Everything It Contains…
1. A 399 page manual containing step-by-step information that will take you from the very beginnings of your path in Witchcraft, up through advanced levels and spell work. Every spell and ancient Magick technique has been recorded, and I basically hold you by the hand through everything…
2. 7 DVDs filled with full demonstrations of everything included in the manual (as well as some older techniques that are not easily put into a manual) – you’ll see how easy it is to connect with the powers you have within you, and use them for your desires – and to help others.
3. A 48 page manual covering Advanced Love Magick spells and techniques… some of the information is a little controversial – but I also go into ethical uses of these powerful rituals. (Love spells are extremely popular, and apparently this has always been so, as there are so many ancient traditions and spells surrounding Love)… all of these and more are laid out for you in the manual and the accompanying DVD…
4. 1 DVD on Advanced Love Magick demonstrating the spells and rituals in the manual – and it includes some surprise rituals (and “love†crafts) that do not appear in the manual.
5. A 42 page manual (a “hidden†bonus) of a controversial segment of Magick practice that I am still wondering whether I should include or not (which is why I am not going to tell you exactly what it covers yet…). I have to do some thinking whether I want to release this manual and it’s accompanying DVD… if I do end up including it, it will be for educational purposes only, and most of the techniques should never be used. I think it is important for everyone to know what is possible, and what to avoid.
6. The “hidden†bonus DVD that will demonstrate all of the information in the manual (and more). Again, it may be a mistake to release this section of Magick practice – and I need to do some serious thinking on how I am going to approach this…
7. 1 CD of interviews with 3 Witches who practice old (and new) Magick traditions – including me. We answer some of the toughest questions about Witchcraft and Magick that I have ever heard. From “does Magick really work, and how?†to exactly how it can bring Love, Money, Protection, and other things into your life.Â
We also cover some difficult questions about if it is “Evilâ€, and how to tell your family… I guarantee there are at least 3 questions that will make you sweat a little bit (I know I did)… and there is also information in these interviews that you can use right now to increase your connection to Magick energy for more intense spell results.
In Addition, 50 Of You Will Receive Something That Nobody Else Will Ever Get
There was an interview done last year with Tatania Aleria (a local Witch that I am good friends with, and she has been practicing even longer than myself). She revealed something in one of her answers that is one of the most profound ideas I have ever heard regarding Witchcraft.
I fact, I have never heard anyone mention it before, and I guarantee that it will instantly help any person involved with Witchcraft put more energy into every spell (this additional energy will increase the results you get with your Magick). I wish I had thought of it first, but I didn’t and I give full credit to Tatania.
Not only will you get her amazing insight above, but you will receive the entire interview! She answers 14 of some very tough (and detailed questions) asked by a panel of practicing Witches throughout the world – and you get to hear her detail the exact spells and techniques she uses for Love, Protection, Wealth (and more) – so that you can do exactly what she does.
Here’s Why I’ve Decided To Release Her Interview To Only 50 People
As you can imagine, each Box of Magick Miracles is created at considerable expense. 9 DVD’s, 3 manuals, 1 CD, and all of the other costs involved… but I felt it was worth it to everybody – the information is completely unique to anything I have ever seen anyone else do. It is just so darn important that I did this – even if the only people to see it are my children and close family.
Trust me, the time and energy it took me to create this for you was well worth it – even if you never see it.Â
I wanted to leave my mark on this world, and I wanted to share these amazing secrets with you (while I’m still young enough to handle any questions or additional help you may need)
That’s why I have agreed to create only 50 of them in the “first runâ€. These 50 Boxes of Magick Miracles are “Limited Editions†because I wanted to do something for the first 50 people that receive it – and that’s why I am throwing in this exclusive interview with Tatania Aleria…
Think of it as a sincere “thank you†for being one of the first to trust in the Miracles I have to show you.
Listen: This is the first time I have ever publicly mentioned the release of my Box of Magick Miracles, and the 50 limited editions I am going to release. But somebody found out about it beforehand, and has started mentioning it “word of mouth†to other people in the Witchcraft community…
Because the information leaked out, already 31 people have reserved their Boxes, which means there are only 19 left at the time I am writing this! (I guess I’m going to have to make more, fast)
…and the newsletter you are reading now just went out to over 4,000 people – and more will see it every day. So I don’t think the 19 will last very long.
That’s why – if you want to get the Limited Edition, you need to hurry and reserve yours now (before everyone else grabs them).
All you need to do is take 2 seconds to enter your first name and email address into the priority notification form.
Go here : http://www.masteringmagickwitchcraft.com
And fill out the 2 second form now. This really is a once in a lifetime opportunity, because I mean it when I say – the Tatiana Aleria interview will never be given to another soul – it’s my promise to the first 50 people…
So go there now, before you put it out of your mind :
http://www.masteringmagickwitchcraft.com/ and make sure you reserve one of the remaining 19 copies.
Not only do you not want to miss out on the bonus Tatania Aleria interview, but you don’t have to wait for the next batch to be created…
Everything will be ready for you Monday, March 27th at 12 o’clock noon PST.
And tomorrow (Sunday March 26th) I’ll be giving you the free copy of my book that I promised you…
But for now, I’m out of time.
Bright Blessings,
Rose Ariadne
Your Warm And Caring “Resident Witch In Chargeâ€
P.S. Oops, I almost forgot – 3 more comments I have received from hundreds…
â€Hi Rose, I find your particular tastes very interesting. You seem to share USEFUL information with people…I am one of those woman who fully believe in the power of healing through the use of stones. I was also impressed how you recommended to cleanse your stone, even some of the more “knowledgeable” women usually keep this out of text, for lack of knowledge or for some other non-sense reason…From one woman who seems to know something to another. Greatest wishes and blessed be. Jolee C.â€
“Dear Rose Ariadne, Thank you so much for the information. I really appreciate it and it gave me a lot of insight and I think that it will help a lot of people like it helped me. Thank you again. Lots of Love-Rashell, BLESSED BEâ€
“Rose, Thank you so much for sharing this with me I’m very excited and cant wait to see the knowledge that you have gained throughout your years of study. Thank you again and I really appreciate it. – R. Hermizâ€
P.P.S. Remember to sign up to the priority notification list to make sure you get one of the last 29 “Limited Edition†Boxes of Magick Miracles here :
 http://www.masteringmagickwitchcraft.com/ (you only need to put in your first name and email address…)
P.P.P.S. Make sure to leave your comments by using the “comments†link right underneath this blog post…P.P.S. If you have friends or family that you care about – that could benefit from any of this information, please feel free to forward this newsletter on to them. Or you can just use this link to inform them about my blog…
Congratulations on finishing your life’s work
I’ve never commented before but now I feel like I should:
I’ve always been drawn to Witchcraft. When I was about 7 years old it seemed like I was always drawing a pentagram, at the time I had no idea what it was. My mom has told me stories of when I was a baby I would look past her and start laughing. She assumed it was her deceased brother because nothing was ever there, it freaked her out. I’ve never told anyone about these things before.
I was raised Christian so all of this sometimes seems crazy to me. As many times as I have fought my Pagan tendencies, as I call them, I keep coming back. It’s almost like (here comes the craziness) a voice from the past keeps calling out to me to bring me back to it. I have no idea what it is I’ve been trying to figure it out for years and can’t.
More than one person has told me I have an old soul over the years, I’m not sure exactly what that means.
I have only one book, Wicca a Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham. I ended up putting it down after only three chapters. I couldn’t get into it; it was too modern for me. The ancients appeal to me much more, even in history. The Druids were my first love, now I’m in love with crystals. I had to buy that book in secret. I’m 21 but I still live at home, my parents have made it clear that they don’t approve of these things; they have said on more than one occasion they will disown me, they mean it.
Being raised one religion and having the tendencies I do is difficult. I don’t regret finding you on the web, I’m very happy about it :grin:. I don’t practice Witchcraft but I wouldn’t call myself all that Christian either, I’m more on the Pagan side of things. Although I have trouble with the female aspect and more than one deity (how I was raised rears its head).
I have to be honest; I wish I would have had a grandmother like yours to guide me; even someone in my life that understands would be nice. I am so glad that I have a mentor now
Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Brightest Blessings for today, tomorrow and the future.
P.S.: Sorry for the length.
:razz:Hi Rose!
I’m soooo excited to see what you have put together for us, and I want to sincerely thank you again for putting forth a monumental effort to bring this wealth of knowledge to the world. You are brave for sharing all of this with us, as there are many who wish that you wouldn’t! I can’t wait to see how your insights will expand my already vast knowledge of the Craft, and it just goes to show ya that an old dog can learn new tricks.:lol: You are a blessing for the newbies and a goddess to all of us who are experienced, and the fact that a lot of your work is based on ancient methods has got my head spinning as I have searched for years to try and get my hands on this stuff but to no avail! Again, Rose, thank you and congratulations!:smile:
Blessed Be!
Danielle Smith
Rose, how wonderful to have a Granmother with all that ancient knowledge and wisdom and she shares it with you. I am truly excited that you are going to share with me (others). Thank you ever so much!!! Ardarla
I can’t be bothered with anything these days, but shrug. I just don’t have anything to say recently.
Good day. I just want to ask how to make banishing oil and dragon’s blood oil?