Dear Friends,
Some people are under the impression that magick can only be achieved by spells, potions, and rituals. However, you can add some magick to your life on a daily basis-even if you don’t have time for a drawn out spell! In fact, oftentimes everyday magick can be just as powerful as those rituals that we spend a lot of time and energy on.
So how can you start incorporating magick into your daily routine?
I have many non-Wiccan friends who think that if I want money than all I have to do is sit down, light some candles, chant for a few minutes, and go on about my day. Oh, if only it really worked that way! The fact is, while rituals can help bring things to you and create a positive atmosphere in which to welcome them, you still have to do a bit of work yourself to get them. I am still waiting for the spell that will send a million dollars my way. I’ve been waiting for years, as a matter of fact.
Many people believe that we witches have to do huge spells with lots of bells and whistles and props in order to see any results. What I have learned is that some of my smaller, more directed spells, have had a lot more results.
When I first plant my garden, for instance, I always do a ritual to promote fertility and a good growing season. Every day, though, I stop and visit my plants, talk to them, encourage them to thrive, and tend to them-even if it’s just to pull out a few weeds and thank them. While that might not sound like the kind of spell that’s going to be seen in a Hollywood blockbuster, it’s magick to me-especially when I see my plants growing well.
Twice a year I also do a remembrance ritual for my loved ones who have passed on. Whenever they cross my mind, however, I say a quick blessing for them and wish their soul at peace.
Some people pray before they sit down to eat a meal. If the food has come out of my own garden then I make a special effort to thank my garden for what we are eating and give it special encouragement to keep providing. If we’re at a restaurant then I say a quick blessing for those who have prepared it for us. I also give thanks that my family can enjoy a meal together, when so many others cannot.
What some people forget is that spells and rituals give us energy, create a positive atmosphere for things that we would like to happen to occur, and even feed off of our own energy. With that being said, we still have to put work into everything. I can do all sorts of spells on my garden to help it grow, but if I don’t get out there and weed it or water it then it’s still not going to thrive.
Therefore, I try to do rituals that will help me. Does that sound selfish? I don’t mean for it to. Last year around December I was feeling a little sad. The news had been particularly harsh and some stories about families in need had made me reevaluate my own priorities and problems. Instead of doing a spell to help all of those families that I had witnessed on television, I instead did a ritual that would help me find the energy and opportunity to be able to do something to help them myself. A few days later, I came across some information that asked for volunteers to help an organization hand out food, clothing, and toys to families. I immediately signed up to help them. I felt as though my ritual had been very successful.
Keep your daily habits in mind. Practice kindness and patience to animals, people, and even plants. There is real magick in that, and kindness and patience on your part will not only give them energy, but will also help fuel your own positive energy as well.
Here are some things to consider:
• Thank your plants each day and talk to them-even if it’s just your African violet in your kitchen and not an entire garden.
• Instead of passing up the homeless man that you see every day, stop in a store and purchase some fruit for him and give it to him.
• Pick a name off of a charity’s holiday tree and purchase presents for someone less fortunate.
• Give a silent thanks each and every time your family does something together-even if it’s simply sitting down to watch television in the evenings.
• Light a candle in remembrance of someone who has passed on.
• Spend an extra 5 minutes applying lotion, brushing your hair, and taking care with yourself. Remember that you’re important and that it’s okay to pamper yourself. (I know-difficult for us moms to keep in mind sometimes!)
• Straighten up your altar. Treat your altar with respect and don’t let it get messy or disorganized. Wax will sometimes make a mess and it’s not always easy to keep your altar cloth straight, but try to make a point of keeping it orderly.
Remember that there is magick in everyday actions and feelings. Everything you do matters and can make a difference to someone or something.
Brightest Blessings,
Rose Ariadne
Your Warm and Caring “Resident Witch In Chargeâ€
Thank you for this! I was just thinking about this topic this evening as I prepared dinner for my family. With each step of my recipe I consciously put love and wishes for peace into the food. It helped me feel centered during a hectic time of day, and maybe helped the evening go a bit smoother.
This is something I keep trying to remember. I’m doing better at it the last few months, but I still have trouble keeping it in mind.
What you said about asking for energy for yourself so that you could help others- I’d never thought about taking that tack. I’ll have to think about ways to use that!
What a timely article! We all need to reflect on every day magick and putting love and good thoughts into all our tasks. Mundane tasks no longer seem mundane when you put love, magick and peace into them. Brightest blessings.
Well said. For magick to work consistently, one must stay in a magickal mindset. Daily devotional activities meant to refocus your mind to the magickal can not just help your daily life flow more easily, but can help you access your own magick more readily when the time comes to do a more complex spell or working.
I totally agree with what you’ve wrote, it’s true that if we included in our daily routine, magick itself become more than a habit, it will be part of our self as a second nature. As for myself I thought of it mostly of the time, and I know that little action sometimes can do the difference also. Thank for sharing this with us.
Brightest Blessings dear Rose.;)
I compleatly agree with u on this. I think the image is a bit misunderstood, the life of a witch, its not like tv, it is about being honest to ur self, having a love for people and animals, plants and things. the way u treat the things u have in ur life will always give back what u put thankyou, its truly helpful for making magick habitual.
:grin:I was brought up this way also to always thank mother earth for growing the plants, grandfather sun for warming the day and lighting the way and grandmother moon for lighting the night and guiding me through the night and keeping me safe. The whiporwill for warning me of the dangers when he quited in the night, for I was taught that as long as he sang I was safe and when he quity singing that meant that something or someone had frightened him into silence. I have always believed in natural magic and the power of the earth and the elements and our amazing connections with them. It is nice to have someone that knows how to help enhance these special gifts to help heal the earth in her time of need. Thank you
wow!! i wan to try it do u think it ga work for me:sad:
wow!!! i wan to try that do u think it ga work for me i been feelin down about myself i dnt have no money and i dnt work i need help my boyfirend dnt won nuttin to do with me plzz help me:sad: