Rose Ariadne's Chitchcraft Blog

Dear friends,

You probably already know that the different phases of the moon correspond with different energies. You are probably already aware, too, that the moons can be divided into four elemental types: earth, air, fire, and water. Now, let’s break that down even further and talk about the specific astrological signs that full moons can fall under and what they mean…

Aries: Aries is associated with initiation, energy, and strength. During this moon, rituals focused on letting go of bad habits, self-destructive habits, aggression, and anger can be very beneficial. Aries loves action and has a lot of motivation.

Taurus: Taurus tends to like all things associated with home. This includes stability, fertility, money, love, and property in general. An earth sign, Taurus likes to be creative, but also places a lot of emphasis on laying down foundations, too. Sowing seeds, making practical plans, fertility rituals, and money spells are all good things to do when the full moon is in Taurus.

Gemini: Those feisty twins can be exasperating at times, but you can get a lot accomplished under the Gemini moon. This is a good time to communicate and share ideas. Considered a learning moon, it’s also a good time to clear the air, travel, try to get your ideas across, and make contact with others.

Cancer: A water moon, you can expect feelings to run high when the moon is in Cancer. It’s important to guard yourself during this time and not to let other people’s negative energies rub off on you. It’s also important not to give in to depression and to ruffle other’s feathers. You might want to focus on family, fertility, and your home environment. This is also a good time for divination and love spells.

Leo: A Leo moon is a theatrical one. If you have known a Leo then you have probably already figured out that they love to be the center of attention and that people like to flock to them. With that in mind, you want to think big under this moon. Use the large amount of energy to perform big rituals, complete large projects, and to remind you of your own uniqueness.

Virgo: Virgo is a quiet moon so you might want to keep things a little low during this time. This is a good time for organizing, clearing up emotional and physical clutter, purifying your thoughts and the bad energy around you, and banishing toxins. It’s also a good time for working through the bad stuff that can bog us down and keep us feeling low.

Libra: Libra is a refined moon and enjoys some of the better things in life such as listening to music, dancing, writing, painting, and gathering with people. This is a good time to gather with others who practice witchcraft and to perform a group ritual. If you’re a solitary practitioner, then you might want to focus on creating something artistic.

Scorpio: One of the most passionate signs in the universe, the Scorpio represents battles, courage, power, and sexuality. Put on your armor and perform spells and rituals that need just a little extra energy added to them. Some people are actually afraid of the moon in Scorpio and there does sometimes seem to be extra violence during this time period. Instead of being afraid, however, focus on how you can use this powerful energy to your advantage and do try to watch your temper.

Sagittarius: The moon in Sagittarius often signifies the beginning of great ideas. It’s a good time to start a long journey, start studying, or begin a new direction in your life. It’s also a good time to talk about your beliefs and to philosophize with other like-minded (or non like-minded) people.

Capricorn: Capricorn is a serious sign, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have a sense of humor. Throw out things that no longer have any significance to you, focus on your career and aspirations, and start making plans.

Aquarius: You might find that people are most understanding during this moon so it could be a great time to clear up misunderstandings. It’s also a good time for starting things so you might want to try moving around a little bit. Ritual work focused on letting go of petty problems, building up networks and friendships, and finding support can be useful during this time.

Pisces: As a water sign, the moon in Pisces can often feel like a dreamy time. This is the best time to focus on psychic abilities, clairvoyance, dreams, and love. You might be very sensitive at this time, but rather than let yourself fall into tears or depression, use it to gain an understanding of the world around you. Rituals focused on love, communicating with the dead, and remembrance can be beneficial. It’s also a great time to read the runes, break out the Tarot cards, and write down your dreams to analyze later.

Of course, other factors can influence your feelings and what’s going on at the time of the moon, but hopefully this will give you a little bit of an understanding of what to expect in each phase. Always be aware that the moon is over you and there for you, even when it’s hard to see at times.

Brightest blessings,

Rose Ariadne
Your Warm and Caring “Resident Witch In Charge”

Posted by Rose Comments 10


  1. Carl says

    :cool:Thanks Rose i have been feeling the way my horoscoperead in this email. thank you very much. Carl Johnson [email protected]

    April 15th, 2011 | #
  2. Maria says

    Thank you Rose for explaining what Full Moon means. I am a Sagitrius and it is true what you say about Moon in Sagitarius . I am a Notary Public and I am studying a course from National Notary Association about Digital Certification Identification. Only Notaries and Lawers can do that. When I had read about the Moon In Sagitarius, I was very suprized. Again, Thank you for your explanation.

    Kind Regard,
    Maria D.

    April 15th, 2011 | #
  3. Shehu says

    Hi Rose,the acurracy of the stars in relation to the moon as described by you is so great.YOU ARE GREAT.

    April 15th, 2011 | #
  4. boybing says

    :wink:thanks rose…luv ya

    April 16th, 2011 | #
  5. very very thank you. says

    you are my best teacher. Mwuaah.. I luv yah..

    April 16th, 2011 | #
  6. Alexandra says

    found both blogs on the moon very useful and informative.
    Osiyo friend Rose

    April 16th, 2011 | #
  7. marie-christine says

    Just love your explaination about the full moon horoscope, I’m a leo, and it’s kind of true,,loll and as always it is very informative also. Thank you Rose.
    Brightest Blessings :)

    April 18th, 2011 | #
  8. otiti says

    i lv u Rose… u r the best teacher i hv ever had.

    April 18th, 2011 | #
  9. john tredes says

    holly week. I know when holly Ahmm week effective use of spells and rituals .. Because there are witches in the town they have ko.noon counter. But now they say that because the strong power when holly week .. Is that true? Hehehe I’d again make miracles.

    Brightest blessings

    April 21st, 2011 | #
  10. :wink:Hi Rose I want to thank you for being you, you did one thing one person hasn’t done to me in a long time, YOU LET ME BE ME! thank you for finding how I, the woman an Mona’s well as a wive its been too long again THANKS FOR LETING ME BE ME!! (:

    May 13th, 2011 | #

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