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I would love to be able to get this. I can’t till I have my own credit card, that won’t be until this summer or after :(. I’m using my mom’s for purchases (with permission of course); there is no way I can put this on her card. I’m happy for those that can get it. I hope they’ll still be available when I have a card of my own.
Thank you for your book, it’s invaluable
Rose I can not afford your one for $99.00 I do
not have the money right now. I know how it will be an
would love to see the Rituals and spells on it. I do not
know if you take money orders as I only seen orders for credit cards. If I had a credit card I would have gotten it right away. But sad to say I will have to wait a
while before I will be able to get your DVD’s and other
stuff that comes a long with it. So thank you for telling
me about it. mabe next time I will have the money
for it. But still cant wait to see what you still have in store for all of us here. Keep up the work that you are doing because you are a Goddess of Knowledge and understanding Blessed Be To you Rose. From your
sister ragingmoon.
thank you
rose thanks for your help to remove heart [ain as it is from last 4 years i have going thru this but could not help my self. NOw i will try to releave my self from this pain if i could get what the name for the peppere in indian terms.
With brightest blessings thanks thanks and thanks
I found this when googling for your course. The link above says almost $300, when the 2nd comment here says they can’t afford the $99. Has the price gone up, or is the $99 for not as complete of a course?