One of the purposes of my Friday Evening Rant is to open up to all of you, and it’s really one of the main reasons I decided to do it.
I’ve been a bit “reflective” today, and have been thinking about the journey I took with my Grandma. I’d like to put this little part of my heart up here for all to see. She was the most loving, and caring person I have ever known – but she was also a mysterious woman – we all thought so.
It wasn’t just that she would never take any kind of modern medicine – and that she always had herbs, stones, and old amulets that she would use is strange ways to treat illness, and who knows what else… I often saw her sitting alone with her eyes closed in quiet contemplation, murmuring under her breath words that I couldn’t hear (or couldn’t understand). And it was the way she looked at me almost every day. She’d cast her Knowing gaze upon me, as if we were both aware of some big secret nobody else knew about.
I really didn’t understand them at first, but it all became clear later… You see, I was her favorite. There was some sort of connection between us that nobody else could really see. But I could. I could even FEEL it. She’d always give me just a little more attention than the others.
She loved all 8 of her grandchildren, don’t get me wrong – but she always made a point to spend extra time with me. We would always talk about different things. About feelings, and emotions, and what makes a person sad and happy. And every night before I drifted off to sleep, she would sing these amazing songs – and I couldn’t believe how happy and comforting they made me feel… Tales of long ago – of hero’s, and mystical creatures, and great adventures. Then, when the songs were done for the night – she would ask me to think of a dream I’d like to have – and then tell her… And then, she’d cup her hand and gently press her fingers and thumb to my forehead and then quickly draw her hand away – she’d say, “Now your dream will be…”. And then I’d drift off to sleep…
Oops, I have to run (I am on vacation) - so I’ll have to finish this story next week. I really hoped to finish it tonight, and I am so sorry to keep you waiting…I’ll send you an email next week when I have made my next blog entry to finish telling you all about my grandmother and I. If you haven’t signed up for these newsletter notifications, make sure to fill out the short form on the right hand side of your screen.
Until next week, blessings of Peace and Love!
Rose Ariadne
Your Warm and Caring “Resident Witch in Charge”
You talk of your grandmother, not using modern medicine-is this information available? On Herbs on which she uses. Do you have a book available on this type of information?