Click here to download Rose’s “Healing” interview and special quiz!
Click here to listen to the interview on a special page! (without having to download it)
Dear Friends,
This latest interview clip deals with an issue many people have problems with – and it can be emotionally painful…
There are certain physical ailments some people have that “hurt” their physical appearance (such as acne, and hives). I get many questions from my wonderful subscribers (like you) about how they can use Magick to overcome any condition that hide’s the true beauty we all have inside and out. (and yes, if you aren’t confident about your appearance, it can effect the beauty within)…
When I was in my late teens and early 20′s, I struggled mightily with my physical appearance. I was never looked at as the “cool” girl in school – probably because I honestly wasn’t one of the better looking girls.
I wore thick glasses, had stringy light brown hair – and spent a lot of time alone wondering why I wasn’t being “accepted” by the others. I had 2 friends… which I was thankful for. But a boyfriend? You’ve got to be kidding me. Guys would not give me the time of day.
Oh the trials of “growing up” as a young one. Thank the Goddess for Magick, because things changed quickly for me. Sorry to “get off track” there – but I just want to let you know that I have had my share of problems – and Magick has offered a solution for everything. On with the interview…
Listen to the interview clip (and quiz) below to find out what Magick can do to help (hint: it can help A LOT, and even get rid of the problem forever).
I have been running behind lately – and because of that, I am going to take a break from my Friday Evening Rant today… (hey, an interview clip is better right?)
There is a very good reason why I’ve been running behind though.
As I mentioned before, Ash and I have been very busy with a special project for you.
And, in just 2 weeks the brand new Witchcraft site will be done! Best of all, it will be a great source of FREE information for all - and a place where you can ask an unlimited amount of questions!
I think you’ll be thrilled with it – and I promise you’ll be the first to know!
Next week… another Witchcraft Interview clip from someone special… (hint: it’s not me talking)
Along with it will be a special newsletter and quiz.
Until next week…
Brightest Blessings,
Rose Ariadne
Your Warm And Caring “Resident Witch In Charge”
P.S. If you have a friend or family member that could benefit from these lessons, please send the lessons to them. You can either email the lessons to them, or just tell them by using this special webpage:
P.P.S. If you want my limited edition life’s work, go here for ordering information – I don’t believe anything like this has ever been done :