Rose Ariadne's Chitchcraft Blog

Dear Friends,

A lot of people write me to ask about my name. Rose Ariadne is my magickal name, the special name I gave myself when I became a witch. I use it for all of my pagan purposes and it is as a part of me as my mundane name. Of course, I know plenty of people who choose not to have a magickal name. While I respect their choice I think there are important reasons for having a magickal name.Having a magickal name used to have a totally practical and life saving purpose. Witches took names to conceal their identities and protect themselves form the Inquisition. Eventually, this evolved in to developing an entire magickal personality for carrying out personal work.

Picking a magickal name is not something that you should rush into. The process takes time and should not be entered into lightly. You craft name will stick with you throughout your journey in this path. We are born with the mundane names that our parents gave us, but our craft names are ours to choose. When you bestow yourself with a new name, you are entering into a new phase of your life. You are being “birthed” as it were into Paganism.

However, choosing a craft name is not an absolute necessity. You can most definitely use your own name for your magickal purposes. I like the idea of the magickal name because it sets you apart from the other aspects of your life. Your practice of the craft is special and unique, and it deserves the special recognition that using a magickal name can bestow. It can be very rewarding to choose and take on a magickal personality. For me, my magickal name gave me an extra sense of confidence and belonging in this path. It gave me the extra “oomph” I thought I needed. While I realize this was completely a psychological trick, I still feel that magickal names are important. A lot of people enter the craft not sure if they really belong there. It is a foreign religion to most, and picking a magickal name can make it more familiar.

Magickal names can still be a form of protection. Since Wicca and Paganism are still, unfortunately, not accepted by the mainstream, choosing a magickal name can help you distance your public, mundane persona from your private religious life.

Most covens require that you choose a magickal name as part of your initiation into the circle. The coven members will refer to you as that name, and there may even been a special ceremony in which you formally take on your craft name. It can be part of your self-initiation into this path.

When choosing a name, try to pick something unique that fits you. There are many people (especially online) with the same magickal names. Try not to pick something too popular, or if you do, use it creatively. Never copy someone’s magickal name outright.

To start picking your craft name think of something that is specific and important to you. You can choose a gem, an elemental, a flower, an herb or an animal as the basis of your name. When you choose an item such as this, you are attaching yourself to qualities (both good and bad) of that object or animal. If you are particularly influenced by Amethyst and like its properties of calming, spirituality and strength then it will be a good match for you. You can also take inspiration from your totem animal or favorite herb. When you choose a magickal name, choose something that you would like to accomplish in your path. If you desire to learn to be more courageous and powerful, you may choose to incorporate the name of a powerful animal into your magickal name.

Start brainstorming names based on these tips. Come up with a list of possibilities for your magickal name, and then set that list aside for a few days. If there is a name that keeps coming back to you, then you may have found your fit. You can also use a meditation, pendulum, or tarot reading to help guide you to your magickal name.

Remember, above all, that this process can take a while to complete. Give yourself some time to think about and select a name. you’ll be happy you did.
Brightest Blessing,

Rose Ariadne, Your Warm And Caring “Resident Witch In Charge”

Posted by Rose Comments 5


  1. Redemous says

    My Dearest Rose, I take great pride in assimilating by birth name into my craft name as it is such a unique name passed on to me by my father. People has always asked me what my name meant. My name defines me and and yjr path that I walk and it fits my journey into the craft. “Redemousa” or “Redemous” seems so perfect for wicca and it is much aligned with other Greek sounding names. I particularly like the uncanny “Rede” part denoting the wiccan creed. So, What’s in a Name?…you tell me sweet woman, does Redemousa sound witchy to you?

    Brightest Blessings,

    March 6th, 2007 | #
  2. Redemous says

    My name defines my masculine energy as I seek to find the Goddess that complements the courage and the power within me. Not an easy task but yet it is my mission. I have been successful with finding a few and there are many who shall be awaken to aspects of their inner Goddess if they choose to take my hand and join me in a loving friendship. This is my name, this is my mission.

    July 29th, 2007 | #
  3. Redemous says

    As energy flows from the universe, so does love and beauty.The holographic universe entertains us with it’s love, beauty, energy and wisdom as those so awaken to this path reap the benefits of these blessings.

    Make 2008 your best Blessed New Year!

    Love and Light


    January 1st, 2008 | #
  4. Jasmine says

    Stop repeating yourself

    March 15th, 2009 | #
  5. Redemousa says

    Hi Jasmine, do I know you? If not, I’d like to, immediately!! I’ve been awat from my connections for a few or rather, many weeks! I want to get to know ya!!

    April 11th, 2009 | #

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