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How much should I pay attention to the moon’s phase when doing candle spells? To be more specipfic, what if I really need to conduct a spell to find a job and the phase of the moon is waning? I worry that I am only going to make things worse.:???:
:roll:Hello Rosa,I want ask you . how I can to do for faster action in my spells. it works but I fell it’s slow. My spells are for job, because I work in home for therapy massage, thanks you for your attention.
:smile:Dear Rose u’r new web is great i like it a lot it is rich with informations. Great work
hi rose.how are you:grin
:sad:no replay
rOSE i HAVE ODERED YOUR LESSONS AND I have started I am having some trouble finding some of the things I need also would like to ask you a few questions very interested in the love spells hope to hear from you soon and get some help . Also didn’t know if you make a love potion number 9? Would be very interested in purchasing some. Thanks Bobbie
Merry Meet.
It’s me again…Brandon…I relize that being in a Coven is the way to go however wjat if the is no way to enter any becaus ethere isn’t any local wiccan to share your studies with? Blessed Be,
Mossy Mage
How do you pronounce your name? I intend to discuss this blog in our “Website of the Week” segment on the Pagan Centered Podcast and want to make sure I pronounce it correctly.
Hey Rose,
I have a few questions regarding work and would like advice about the correct moon phases in wich to consult the Goddess for help in resolving this situation. Thanx-
Blessed Beez
can i do magic even though i live with and dont have space of my own
hey, my names puk, and im new…. how and were can i find spells. do i jsut make them up, or is there some sort of book or official place i get them from..sry if this is a stupid questin…but im new at this whole thing…thank you
and may the gods bless your day
Dear Rose!
So, I wonder if I can buy just a part (book for instance), and how much it costs?
First I apologize for my bed english (…writting from Croatia). This will be a little embarrassing for me but still have to try.:oops:i anguish myself for months and today I decide to ask you for help. I’m interesting in yours life work, actually I wish to have it bedly. Nothing seems more important. Problem is that I don’t have money (or job) to buy it. for ours receiving 3×99$ is lots of money. I’m so desperated that I play lottery but it doesn’t work that way.
Thank you,
We say, “Thank God!” and “Thank goodness!” Has Judeo-Christian influence changed Goddess to goodness? If you notice, one letter would be added and one would be changed. This question came intuitively to me.
Hello, Rose.
I am a witch, born with powers. Everyone in my bloodline has the power too. I can feel the deepest emotions of other people (whether they are happy, sad, afraid, like me/hate me, mean good/harm, etc.). But the past two generations have ignored their gift and know barely anything on how to control it. My powers are quite faint and sometimes I even hear people say something about me and when I ask, they get surprised because they only thought it, not said. I’m really interested in magic and want to take my power to the next level for my ancestors’ sakes. Please help.
Blessed be.
Hi Rose. My name is Malik.I can already tell that I have the power, but I’m only a kid. I want this so much but its to expensive. Can you please email me and tell me if u can lower the price.
Hi Rose. My name is Malik.I can already tell that I have the power, but I’m only a kid. I want this so much but its to expensive. Can you please email me and tell me if u can lower the price.
I can i know if magic is real or not?
Rose, I’m a 13 year old girl who was brought up into witchcraft early in life. I know i am capeable of doing spells and creating potions for my mind, body, and soul. But now, i have a huge mess on my hands. Threw the couple of years i have known certain friends i have treated unfairly. I have told them many lies because i thought i wasn’t good enough for them. I didn’t always think it was a big deal, but know i see the horror and guilt i have thrusted upon these kind people. I need a spell to make people forget things. And i am not going to make them forget about the lies i am going to make them forget about my friendship with them cause i see how deserving i am of their loyalty and respect. If you could email me and help find a “forget” spell, or even create one for me you have knonw idea what a change you will cause in my heart. Please reply because this is very important.:sad:
hi rose! i’m 51 & i can’t find i mr.right man.
i have 15 diffrent magic colors. who will i marry? who is he? what will my future bring? help me more powerful & spells love with who? callfeed back me ok. it’s very important to me. so can you help me as possible as get more powerful love 1 man. my favorite is actor stephen rea & he’s irish man. thank! have a nice night! blessed be! magic,light&peace muriel
Hey, I also need a forget spell like Jamie. I pretty much really need it, and i feel that i don’t need to share the reason why because i’ll look like an ass.
please email me asap.
i did my day 1 lesson for the 7 day mini course…it was so exciting i could see peace and i felt calmer
hey rose,
was wondering if you could send me some sort of healing blessing…have this 1 little something
i rather not talk about but if you look into things
i know you can figure it out…
I still like a guy I resently went out with( Over the Summer) and he knows I like him but when he went out with a girl knowing I like him and then they broke up and got back togeth the next day.
Can you help me with some spells???
I am only in seventh grade!!
I want to know, how to tell if you have a magic bloodline?And I’m a kid very interested in magic and stuff like that.
That question haunts me, turning round and round in my head waiting for an answer, so if there are any mermaid specailists out there please answer my question please?!
please email me as soon as possible (asap):grin:
Dear Rose
I’m so thankful knowing that im going to get my order anytime soon.When you sent me an email about ever having a bad day. That was the day i had it.Not for everybody not even us witches everyday is peaches and cream but, I know magic can change that.There is a Question.When i meditate and see lights flicker back and forth in my mind eyes is that have something to do with the deity or some form of energy that im releasing in relief.By the way your blogs are superb.Thank you for them my teacher.I’m honor to be you student finally. It is like a dream come true. Bright blessing to you and your family always from you loving friend and student (Kenneth)
Thank Your For The Witchcraft Interviews That you have sent me.Have many magical days and weekends.
Hey rose, im fifteen and im sure you dont want to hear the problems of a fifteen year old but i have to admit i have some questions… no one in my family is magical my mom was adopted and her blood sister told me that our family was of witches but i dont know… ive been into magick for some time now basically since harry potter came out i began my search for the truth and though i see the diffrences in the craft and t.v. cinema i find that my spells work and that i can feel certain things like i posess magical abilities i also can gimpse the future and i know that if i practice my abilities thet i will become very powerful….but the problem is that im all alone…can yu send me a spell that can help me find a partner or somone who will help me wield the craft? also i was once a follower of the christian god but now i worhip nature and the moon and not because the books say to but because it calls me….please i need your help thanx.
Hi rose my Name is Tiarra and i did the spell to get someone to call you…you know the one where you write the persons name in a circle twice then stick a needle through it while concerting on the persons face? well it didnt work and i really need to talk to this person please help me:cry::mad: im so fustrated because this person used to mean everything to me but now i am in acurrent relaship but i just want to talk to this person!!!
Merry Meet Rose! I’m a 26 yr old Solitary practioner and was born with a few powers. But all I really want is someone to talk to about things cuz in the Southern USA there is no tolerance for witches really and no one likes to speak on the subject. I really just need a person to chat with about my exp and stuff as a witch who isn’t new to the religion. Please e-mail me I’d love to chat.
I just wanted to say that I love your site! I just started a new blog and have added you to my list of sites to check out.
well the Question is i went to my mothers yesterday and somethink dident feel rightthan i found out that my foster brother had broken up with his girlfriend than i renemberdthat she said that she would hert my mother my brother and me and my soon to be husband using witchcraft how do i fix it all so it what she does doesent hert any one
Hello Rose,I Would like to know if there is a good spell to use to know if you have found or will find your soulmate?Or can help find your soulmate without Karma kicking butt? LOL
:smile:Merry Meet Rose,
I just wanted to tell you sorry it’s been so long since I contacted you.You are a VERY special lady with a VERY big heart.I just want to give you a big hug! Your course is great, I couldn’t ask for any better.Anything I can do for you, just ask.
Bless you and yours,
:sad:i joined your 7 day mini course but only got up to no 5 then they stopped
mrs.rose pls help…i can feel i have powers but im a catholic…i believe in GOD and i dont want to ruin my relationship with Him but i really feel that i have strange abilities..what should i do?i really want to learn but i dont want to ruin my relationship to God..pls help me
mrs rose…i want to have spells about winds where can i get one??pls help…i know im special but i cant prove to myself if you know what i mean?…im starting to doubt myself…what should i do???
Dear Rose,
Merry Meet. I have come to an impase with my boyfriend, and I do not know how to fix the… complication. We have agreed to telling each other every insignifigant consequence of our lives with each other but now I have become afraid to do so. As you can tell this impase severlly bothers me and I wish to know how to fix it. I wish to tell him that I am Wiccan and I know that he will disagree with severe magnitude. I only wish to be honest with him and well I’m scared to. We love eachother very much and I believe that if I had someone who I could turn to I might be able to figure this out but as it is I… am… alone. My family is oblivious to the knowledge of the religion I follow. As a matter of fact they would all disown me if they knew. My mother is not supportive but she is not disageeing either. She just wishes to monitor what I am practicing. As you can tell I am severely stressed about this and wish to know “How to come out of the broom closet?” I hate having to hide but yet how can i belong to a family that is against what I follow. I only wish that I had a coven to turn to, a family that is supportive no matter what I follow. how can i tell the one i love that I am Wiccan while he is Baptist? He will only critisize me and tell me that I am wrong for believing the way I do.
ok im soo sad:cry:. i cry every night because im not a mermaid ive tryed and im like soooo close to craking:shock:, ive tryed it all and your the only 1 who i havent tried PLEAZE understand my desperat cry for help. im soo stressed because of the quest im gonna have a stroke!!!!!
its me again i just wanna say that i need tyhat speel or potion SOON!!!
WELL u can take ur time i just dont wanna have a nervouse break down, if this 1 doesnt work!!!!!!:evil:
Dear Rose
It is good to hear from you again.One of the spells has work for me concerning opportunity for a better life.Do spells only work with always connecting to the goddesses and diety that one worships.Let me know what you think. Bright blessing you my teacher and her family always from my heart
Sincerely Your student Kenneth
Hello Rose! Your online teachings have helped me greatly! I’ve been opened up to a world I never knew was out there. I would love to learn more but I can’t ask my parents for the money for more of your help :/ I’m afraid they would NOT approve of this. I’m getting a job soon, but I still wouldn’t be able to get your home set delivered here, or they will see and be infuriated and make me send it back somehow anyways. I was hoping if you know of any good and true witchcraft teachers In the Fort Lauderdale, FL area. Well, teachers that a 16 year old can afford http://www.rose-ariadne.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_lol.gif:lol:
Brightest Blessings,
dear Rose,
Im too confused about myself:sad:…most of the time i tend to feel uneasy before something goes wrong:???: and ones my knee stopped bleeding when i had pressed my palm on it for long time:shock:….dont know how this happenned….i dont know of any wiccan in my family or in my bloodline.:oops:
Dear Rose
I did my first circle.Something must have went wrong.I had a realy bad week.How do i reopen the cicle when im done.
Dear Rose
i was thanking about when i center myself in meditation to do magick with my hands together i fell like a tangling sensation at my finger tips then i fell the energy between my hands pulling like a magnet.As i expand the energy ball using my imagination i feel my hand spreading wide apart.i open my eyes and i keep the visualization of energy ball still between my hands then i let it go by imagine it in a stand still and float up from my hands before i enchant what the purpose im sending it forth.If im on the right track i would love to hear what you thank.i center myself trying to feel the energy come from the ground into my feel as they are tense and relax and visualize it traveling throughout my body.To charge a doll i was thanking of myself do i consecrate my image with the salt water using incense and call my witch name to charge the doll of myself I would love to hear what you thank whenever you have the time.ps I going to try the chinese frog wealth magick from your course i have ordered months ago.
Blessings always to my teacher Rose and the others members of the innercircle that the lord and lady keep us united strong together
Hello Rose,
Thanks for being so nice to me. Bless you.
hi hello Rose remember me larry the you whm being visted in astrally thans for coming up to me i wish i can meet you in person i learn from you ge thanks blessed be!!!!
hey Rose…..u r really amazing. though i’ve only really started doing all of this, it has kicked into a gr8 start…..but i want to ask a spell 4 sumtin special….i really dont kno if its too much to ask of u….but here i go….u see, i want to kno wat other ppl r thinking and wat they feel…most importantly wat they feel 4 me…..it wuld b wonderful if u culd help me with it…..
luv Kate
:Merry meet,Rose my leaving conditions are very poor, I have 3 three children, Last year I sold my house so two of them could attend college. I moved in with a family member who at that time also needed my help( nurse). At this point I am getting depressed, I want to be able to raise my family in my own home….Rose, during this stressful time I would like to thank you, I do have great faith in you. Recently I saw a house that would be great for the family.It would provide me with room enough to garden,and have a space of my own. Nursing and gardening are my passion. Would you be able to assist me in making my dream once again my reality
Brightest Blessing,
Hello Rose.. I dont know how i should start writing this. I have always been interested in occult. I am not a witch though i want to be one. I possess some intuitive powers. I need your guidance and help for a very big problem in my life.. My problem is money and love. I love a man and he loves me too desperately.. We want to be together always. But my parents and family are coming in our way. What can i do to change their mind about us. We want their blessings but they are not ready to accept us together. Pls help me. I am very very depressed and sad. Also i would love to take your course. I want to develop these powers in me to work for the good of the world and the people who need people like us. Please reply to my email id. I am eagerly waiting for your reply. Regards, RSI.
Hi ROSE I’v been apsrt of the “groop” for a while and just want to know if you can help me fint others that live in port elizabet that are willing to start a littel groop with me were we can lurn ant teach each other more about our hidden abiltys
Hello Rose,
I am unemployed and would really love to know if there is spell to bring money into your life today or ASAP. I can’t even buy your course I am so broke. I lost my job and believe me everything has bottomed out. I know this is probably quite a bit to ask, but I’ve been trying everything and nothing is coming together for me. PLEASE HELP….
Thank you
Hello Rose,
I have to say “Thank You” for putting together this program for us. I was born with highly intuitive powers from a line of Seers, Clairvoyants and Mediums. As a child I was able to see and predict things, but unfortunately my mother was discouraged from allowing me to perfect my gift. I have been looking at many resources to bring peace and clarity into my life, so that I may nurture this gift and put it to it’s proper use. I have just recieved the box and looking forward to start my journey as your apprentice. Thank you once again and Blessed be.
See here I have formally learnt n mastered slow working spells but I want real fast magick which I can see immidiately
I need help placing spells on two different companies (one is a mortgage company, the other is a university). the first one is a mortgage company that promised to pay me the sum of five hundred thousand dollars for my house but never came through. the other is a university that owes me $15,000 because they messed up, because they lost my grades,and one of my teachers quit and never told anyone that she was leaving. I also would like to be able to place thoughts in people’s minds and make it last for ever, and to be able to hit 2 to 4 lotteries and to bring one lover back to me. I am not a witch,so I was wondering if you could cast these spells for me please.
charles pritchard
:grin:Hello Rose, I’s me again and just wanted to say “Thanks Again for your Great Study Program”. It just fantastic and easy to follow. Magickal Blessings.
someone or some people put a negative spell on me it’s blocking me i need help:cry:
Hi Rose Ariadne, all your spells are quite intresting and reality but some of the items can not be found in my country ,NIGERIA.Pls send me your contact phone number.my own is+2348038729850
Hello Rose,
I have been receiving your e-mails and if I could I would purchase your set, but sadly I’m currently 8 months pregnant and have no source of income whatsoever. I’m not looking for money spells even though I know I can use them and have done them before(never for myself mind you). But I would dearly love it if you could help me in finding a few spells that would be extremely effective in helping me find a real soul mate, or at least if I’ve already met him to bring him back to me. I’ve been very frustrated these passed few months without a real shoulder to lean on in this situation and it’s been so hard on me and I really want my son to have a real father figure in his life and not just me there to help him along his way. I’ve used a small accumulation of spells to try and bring his father back but nothing seems to have worked and I have since given up on him even being present in his son’s life, a friend of mine has said she sees him present, but sadly I am starting to such is not exactly possible. I thought he was my soul mate, up until his ex-girlfriend showed up and our perfect relationship suddenly went down the drain. Either way, any help you could give me on a decent spell that’s a bit on the speedy side(I know that can e a lot to ask) that will help me bring the man I’m SUPPOSED to be with in my life. I still have this inkling that I have already met him, but I don’t quite know. Anny assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Blessed Be.
My name is remi, from nigeria from a poor backgroud so poor and i want to be raise so i can help my family and my love ones,what do i need to do i will be so happy if you can help.
i need 2 take ur home study cours how can i find u
I wanted to ask where is a good place for someone new to the “pagan” Religion to start?
Merry Meet Ariadne
I cannot even begin to put into words how appreciative I am to have come across you and your course. Actually reading, hearing and seeing really answers any questions I have had that doesn’t fall under a generalized “Q&A”. I just wanted to say “Bless You & Your’s”
No questions Rose,,-Just wanted to tell you how special you are. Untill we meet again,- Stay positive and always do to believe.
I need to know where to get money anointing oil and other oils needed for spells?
hey Rose hope your ok!
i wanted to ask you if there is a way that someone could talk to a with from the past? summon her or even from a dream! can you please tell me how?
sorry i said with i meant to say witch!!
hi rose i was always wishing to do magic but fly i went on spell casters it wont even work for me and the lady named mora i ask her a question she answers the wrong question but i bet your real
hey me my friend have these strange magical feeling but don’t know what to do with it. Is it our power growing in us. I cast lots of wish spells hoping one wold work so me and my friend can live a lfe of magik da way da do on Charmed.
Hey!I’m just happy to see that the site is going well.
Well,I guess I’m done then!Keep writing.
Can u please email me the love spell.
thank you:lol::lol::lol::lol::roll::roll::roll:
Can u please email me the love spell.
thank you:lol::lol::lol::lol::roll::roll::roll:
i wanted to ask u if i could b ur personal student only untill i am done with my studies u can do what ever it takes.
Thank you in advance. I want to do the “Apple Bannishing Spell”. It is time for this overbearing,controling young man to goaway from my granddaughter. My dog doesn’t like him and her (3yr old) son doesn’t like him. She is separed from the baby’s father and expecting again.(not sure who the father) but this overbearing guy gets mad when he is told “No,Go Home”. Granddaughter and son are living with me and my gut feeling tells me this man has a problem. What time and day can I start the Apple Spell? I do not have any room in my trailer for an alter,so use candles on top of my filing cabinate. Would appreciate any help you can give.
Many Blessings,
[email protected]
can somebody become a demon?
i dont understand what the minicourse here is but i want to learn wiccan and my freind told me about rose can someone help me
Hello Rose, if I could I would purchase your set, but sadly I cannot as i have not worked since october due to major back surgery. I am really conserned over my financial situation! I did apply for SSI, but still waiting. Can u see anything or is there anyway u could help me? Thanks and many Blessings!! Jackie
nice to look at this blog.
i m working in gulf country.i want to purchase u r magit kit.
but in doubt how can i use it here. as there is very tough conditions for this here.
pls reply me .
with blessings
hi rose, thank you for your letter. I am from India. I dont know what to call you for you r quite elder to me.Thank for your guidance.
Do you have other witches from South Africa Gauteng that would like to be my friend on your list.
hi rose
i am an ardent reader of yr magazine !i am in serious relation trouble with my boyfriend !i need yr hep !is there anyway i can write to u personally yr personal email address where i can tell u my problem in short & u can give me some guidence ???? pls help
Dear Rose, I need help with spells. My friend’s fairy, Violet, told her that she could do real magic when we’re 14. So… do you know any magick training we could do? We know how to heal, channel energy into dogs, and intermediate spells. But are there any websites you know of for opening a good portal?
P.S. I love your emails! They rly help!
Hello Rose
My name is Einar, I come from iceland , I was read your whole site about your grandmothers magick.
And I’m really interested. I’m a very shy person , and i get panic attacks alot , and I was just wondering if there were any spells that could maybe make it stop ?
Please , Email me
Hello Rose,
my name is Patricia I’m from south carolina,I wanted to say the books i order are the best thing that i have done in a long time,, although i’m only in the beginning stages i can’t get enough ,the course is worth the money ,i want to thank you for the opprotunity to study wicca and witch craft something i have wanted to do my whole life..
Hi Rose:My name Esmeralda I have been getting your email for some time and I relly enjoy the spell you have sent, but I need need to know when to do them with moon cycle.I lost my job and can’t afford your courses at this time.I do miss hearing from you.every friday:smile:.Blessed Be
Hi Rose, you’re amazing. Since I’ve became Wiccan, which was nearly a year ago, my family members keep pestering me to curse people They don’t mean it as a joke, they really mean it! I don’t like cursing people since The Law Of Three. Last time I did a curse, my computer broke and I nearly lost all my writing. Is there anyway I could warn somebody not to do anything to my family without cursing them?
I am afraid to start the witchcraft and spellcasting as i am v. afraid that if it fails, it will kill me or do some harm. Also the spirits may trouble me. So there has to be a facility to get instantly in touch with Rose Ariadne or her deputy witch to rescue me at such times. Is it possible?
help, i want my mother in law to BACK OFF. stop ringing every day, stop coming round all the time!! help
merry meet rose
um I’m just beginning to understand wiccanism and i dont know much of anything about the sabbats or the origins but i can find many places to find out what to do to celebrate, but what i cant seem to find is the story of existence, creation and id like to know if there’s any where i can find out.
yours truly,
Ray Ray Valentine
please contact me back i await your response.
ms. rose ariadne,
may i ask how can i cast a hex or curse in a person
pls response…
your student in witchcraft,
Hi Rose, I took your free 7 day course, and learned so much and I thank you for that. I have a question… I just got a new job and I like my job, too but wondered how to stop the other women i work with talking about me behind my back… I know that I can’t put a spell on them, but how can i put a protection spell on myself to deafen an ear to them….Thank you Patty
DR l will want you to help me get these items from ya detination since in my country GHANA is hard for me to get them the MOJO-BAG & MAGNETIC SAND you can mail them thru my POSTAL-BOX l have written you but no reply here is my address
P.O.BOX 587 KN,
mob: 00233-244269-229/
hoping to hear from you soon the CANDLE & AOINTING OIL has helped me to UP-LIFT MY SOUL & SPIRIT it has helped me a lot you are too GREAT as the ADAGE says ( A MAN WITHOUT A GOD / GODDESS IS USELESS IN THE WORLD )you are my SERENDIPITY EVER TO ME DOMO-ARIGATO
Hello. I have to apologise for my skeptical nature, but I’ve always seen faith as an exuse for refusal to see reality. That said, I do suspect that paranormal events occur, and we simply do not have the science yet to explain it. That said, I’ve seen evidence enough that belief can influence reality. I would greatly like your help on a problem of a personal nature. I’ve been friends for awhile with a person I would have liked to persue a intimate relationship with. Unfortunately she declined, and now I’m afraid that the friendship I had before will be in jepourdy. So I suppose what I’m asking for is an “anti-love spell”, to rid me of these feelings, while still allowing the original friendship. I know, It’s not like I’m asking much (I joke, of course). Thank you for your time.
OMG ROSE, Please Resong to my Email Or My Question, im Doing VERY important Paper on my English Course, & i cant find your Profile, Or Bibliography!, im freaking out, i already did the q & a’s Based on your Webpage here, it was Totally Worth it, But I nEed Your Informaton, or else i FAIL
At least Make it up, I Need Your Birth date & idk ANYTHING your Birthdate, Your Astrology Sign Anything, Oh my goodness, Blessed be! )O(
rose! I love your emails, but my mom won’t let me do any of these things or else I would be doing them!:sad:
hey! another good idea is chat! that would be awsome!
Hi Rose and all the ppl on the blog, i read a different blog and someone said that lighting a candle while casting the spell will help, is this true?
Hi Rose and all the people on the blog.Here is my question : Can I translate the spells ? Should I use only English ? Another language is ok ? Thank you !
Dear Rose will u borrow me all the documents that u have from the key of the king solomon pls…
Hello Rose,
A chat would be a very great idea. BUT! I came here to ask for a general protection spell. Cause hey, I’d like some protection lol.
btw, You Are Awesome!
Hello, I did a spell for a friend who has really bad luck. Everything that could go wrong for them does. I did a spell to try and banish any hexs or bad luck that may ave befallen them. However during the spell, my cauldron broke, began to leak, and on of my tarot cards was drentched in the process. It was the 7 of cups reverse. Everytime I have done any form of magick spells, or tarot or anything involving this person something negative happens. They say they have bad luck. But I have a feeling there is something more to them or this. I have never had an issues with a spell for myself or my family or breaking hexes before. This is the first time I have had something go terribly wrong during a spell. But everything involving them turns out negative. Is there a horrible curse on them? did I do the spell wrong for the first time? Is this person shrouded with secret evil? Is he causing his own bad luck? What could it be?
Hi Rose,
here I am again Asking you the Same question again & again, PLEASE SEND ME A PERSONAL E-MAIL and tell me what the price of your Home Accademy of Witchcraft is in €s, because I would really really like to buy it, (when I get the money of course)
Many Blessings to you and your family,
Ann Marie.
how can we fly and float through the air without any harming spell??
I Would Like to know a couple of love spells… and try them…
Thank u again Rose…
and just to let u know ur kit of witch craft is amazin…
Thank u <3:grin:
hi rose. i have a issue at hand tht i dnt kno wwut to do wit.. so im pregnate (YAY) but i need my mom with me on this nd i kno she will b very very pissed wen she finds out. but neway i kno she would b wit me 100% if my child is a girl (she has 5grandkids all boys) is there neway i can b sure that my child is a girl??? plzz help me out here i wouldnt kno wut to do wit out my mom.
blessed be
hey rose, i wanted to know is there away for me to be able to open up the ability to see spirits.
i think im the youngest here…:oops: anyway…
Greeting Rose
iv got a question but i hv no idea where to ask it….
o PS…
Pheonix thats my nick …
Grrrr, but since i dont use it anymore i guess its fine
hi rose, and blessed be!
i recently tried your catnip attraction spell.
i must say, it definitely worked. although, i thought i might add some rose hips to it to attempt to make it more of a love attraction spell than a “spice up my life” spell. (which i used a LOT of cinnamon for the water, mind you.)
sure enough, not even two weeks later, there was a beautiful woman knocking at my metaphorical “door”.
i had never been so happy as what i recently was with “Trina”.
unfortunately, she also turned out to be a psychic vampire–literally. in a month, i racked up over $1500 in credit card bills, not to mention the fact that while we were together, i was exhausted, tired, and severely stressed out. when she went home on the weekends, all my problems disappeared. i soon put two and two together, realizing that our relationship was doing more harm than good.
2 months later, i am still cleaning up the mess….
thankfully i was able to stand back and look at the big picture, so to speak.
Greetings rose.. I’ve got an interesting and rather difficult question for you. When drawing seals in witchcraft e.g pentagrams etc, it says that you should do them yourself, or so i have read in many books. As i am blind however, i cannot do this. would it affect the energies of my spell, if i asked someone i trusted to draw them for me? blessed be. louise
Thank You…
Miss J Bear
Merry Meet Rose
Im new to Magick and witchcraft and i heard there was this celebration coming up called Lughnasadh and i have no idea on how to perform it it would be really great and helpful if u could tell me how to perform or just email me the instructions thank you very much
Vonniera L
I know that music in and of itself has power and was wondering about some way of building upon that. I’ve read several books like the goetia the sword of moses and things like that, but the idea of summoning an evil spirit is nothing I want to deal with. I’ve tried the whole crossroads thing (because that seemed to be the logical first step) and playing in the cemetary and other places I thought might be more spiritually active. I will admit that you do get a certain chill from playing sad songs in a cemetary at full moon but I think its mostly just the romantacism of the act. I know that music can be a great thing to help in rituals but I don’t know how. Is there a certain time signature or something to play in. I’ve asked several people but aside from the crossroads thing and the whole “summon so and so demon by making this sigil and he’ll teach you” and a classical song a another guitar player showed me called a torantuga or something like that to ward off spiders but that’s not what I’m after. I don’t want fame or money or anything like that I just want to combine two things that mean a lot to me. If you have any idea of what I could do or even recomend someone else to ask or somewhere to look I’d be very grateful.
Respectfully yours
Hi Rose,
You sent me a love spell for friday, during the waning phase of moon, I am waiting for the waxing moon to perform the same, rather I did a spell which will keep my proble at bay on Saturday provided by you. How the moon phase effect the spells? what is your suggestion? Please reply.
With kind regards.
ince i was a child i have so mnay things see and feel like ghost fairies dwarfs etc. i heal my pets palnt even people even by my mind or by my hands and i dont know why it just happens that i know what to do..i always love seeing the natures those green tree leaves,the woods, the nature gives me strenght, and whenever it was full moon or new moon i let myself under the moon it gives me pleasure and joy and at the same time streght and i really dont know why until now what really iam..i can even hear voices and see things like a movie with black and white scene when my eye close and when i open it my eyes seem a triangle there i see this black and white scene it seems it was an event or somthing..please can you tell me what is this?thanks.
whenever theres something i need to be done in specific situation i know then what to do, sometimes iam scared with this i even woke up my bed was floating and i command it to sat down on the floor, i know theres an answer ALL about this perhaps im just ESCAPING TO FACE IT..
can u email me what is this, who or what iam? [email protected] thanks hope to hear from you soon.
i do believe each of us has a power..and that power is within us..
My husband left me for 4 years, he hated me so much for no reason, and he left me to be with another woman, i think the woman cast a spell on him. so i met a spell caster and i told him about my situation, he promised to help me do a powerful spell to get my Ex back and to boost our love, so i sent him all necessary details and also payment for the spells, to my surprise, after 9 days, my husband called me and told me he was sorry for being away for such a long time and that he needs to meet me for a discussion and he wants us to get back together, i am so happy. we are together now, i just want to share this Good news with everyone. if you want the details of the spell caster, his e-mail is: [email protected]
hi rose im fourteen years old and my family have really bad money problems and its really affecting my personnel life and also i really like this guy and he doesnt even know i exist so if you could email me that would be great
thank you so much i cant wait to read “the mystical world of ancient witchcraft” im so excited
i’ve always like Witchcraft/Wiccan , ever since a very young age , im now 12/13 and my mum would kill me if she found out , im only doing little things at the moment , my mum doesnt like me lighting candles , is there anything i could use instead of candles ?
Good day, miss rose i’m adrian from philippines i can’t afford to buy/order your lessons coz i don’t have CARDS like VISA and also i don’t have enough money to order your lessons. I want to learn about magic spells. I know that your the only one can help me. I want to be your student, i want to learn about witchcraft its always on my mind and in my heart every single day. Miss rose i know that your in good heart. hope to hear you soon miss rose…help me please…… thanks a lot miss rose….:sad:
What are you lot like?
You control your own life, and mind.
The day you have to pay for it is the day you are taken in by the con.
hey rose! i sent you a blog last december.. could you please help me what to do about the love potion that was done in my ex? can you give me an antidote for that potion? I’d be glad to do it with your guidance..
:smile:Oh Dear Rose thanks a million for starting this blog space. I have been lucky enough very lucky to receive yr mini magic course thru email. As I busy shifting house I could not download and now when i tried printing out so i could practise i could not find the two magic spells with green candle/green ribbon steps. and the other about 7 coins, 7 leaves and 7 grass.i would oveto try these two very much as wonder of wonders the new house i we shifted to has all the ingredents needed. Wouldit be 2 much as u to pls mail thes two . There is one spell magnet etc and clover what is clover. I am from india. thanks and love and light philomena. love u forconnecting with me
glad am here!:razz:
i would like to ask ms. rose if there are other items i can replace with to which items i can’t find for an instance for love spell,,??..please help..thanks a lot!
my dear friend thanx alot for the emails am really enjoying them and am hopeful for the best
i lost my job on tuesday n pray to get one sometime this month cause i badly need it for school since i have to pay my tuition
i also want to get a boyfriendwho will marry me tonight am going to do the internal sacred space put in a word for me otherwise am really broke and yet i have tuition to pay , two children am supporting n my parents to look after i dnt know how i will do that with no job
the other thing here in uganda i cnt find some items like i found it hard getting a black caddle so i use a deep purple one will it affect the charm
and the other thing do i let the caddles burn out or after the session i blow it out
thanx dear julia
:cry:Dear Rose. It has been a very long time that I have been trying to buy your course but it seems that the harder I try the more difficult it gets. Can you help me please, can you do a spell for me that will stop my poverty and the stress in our lives PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE. Thank you because you are so devoted to me and thanks for not giving up on me yet. Bless you and your family. Charmaine Lesch
dear rose i am having troble with a spirit or ghost in my house i was wondering wat other spells there are to get rid of it
your student kayla
ps blessed be
How to find work, to become the first lucky
I just wanted to let you know that I had to change my e-mail address from ‘chaosman8′ to ‘chaosman26′. Also I enjoy all of your posts, and want to continue receiving them.
hi rose tq for helping ppl who is in trouble, got bless you. and keep up your good work, bless all the ppl who need the god help pls let me know how to snuff the candle coz the fire arent offing with my snuff:shock:pls ppl mw assp, tq god bless you.
:sad:Hi, Rose, I need help,I am divorcing,and is been since Oct.of 2009 and is no resolution ,she is playing hard ball,and i want this to finish soon,I am disabled,100% stresseed,help me please,I meet lady,and I am anxeius to see the end of this, she abandoned me in July of 2009.
God bless you for the work and commitment you expend with you students, and other people without interest,thank you again Luis……
I’m having a problem that i’m hoping someone can help me with because i’m at a loss and just dont know what to do…me and my boyfriend have been together for a year now and he is going through a divorce and his ex has been contesting the divorce not because she wants him back or anything like that but she’s doing it out of spite and for money there are no children involved and they were only married for 2yrs and only together for 6mos out of that time….we are going broke and he is gonna be facing jail time if he doesn’t continue paying all her debt but we have are own to pay for and we just can not afford this any longer…i just want her to stop contesting the divorce and let us live in peace are there any spells that can help me
Hi everyone its me melissa n. again my e-mail address is [email protected] if anyone can help me i would really appreciate it if u would send me an e-mail…i’m just looking for a spell that will just help get this divorce over quickly and fairly because right now its been anything but quick or fair and its really taking a toll on all of us including my 4yr old son
at this point im willing to try anything with the exception of causing any kind of harm in anyway that is definitely not what im about or looking for…i just want this divorce over like i said b4 quickly and fairly
Dear Rose
Like Yolanda, I am unemployed, and broke, in fact deeply in debt, so I too can not afford your course. I have tried some money spells but with no avail. Is there anything you can advise or help me with, to bring money into my life and help lift my negative blocking feelings? I will find it hard to get another job due to my circumstances and I just feel so depressed, and alone. I have been told someone is hexing me, and it sure feels like it. I just do not know where to go, who to turn to as everything costs money and I hae nothing.
I am sorry for rambling, love light and blessings. xxx
i wanted to you that i got money to get the kit to get started , with just the few things you gave me in the 7 lesons , i even lost weight got off bad meds that made me gain weight , i am down almost 3 sizes soon to be in may coming thanks rose i know the books will be even more helpfull and ps i use to be size 24 i am now getting into 18 which i started in feb thanks rose will help my health lots to i take good vitaims now and walking which i couldnt even walk 50m feet now i can walk i can say 2 miles or more now . i wanted everyone to know you are a the greatest person i am glad you came into my life my books are here i have to pick them up monday smiless :):)
Dear Rose,
I need your assistance. I have a very dark and negative man in my family’s life. He is my sister’s boyfriend but he affects my whole family ( I have five sister). I’m having sleepness nights thinking about him. I know in my heart that your spell will work! I have never met such a enlightened person such as yourself. Can you please help me?! I will patiently await your for your response. Thank you. Peace, blessings & Love, Denise C.:sad::sad::sad::sad:
Dear Rose
I am having problems opening my witch name divination kit. I have an older mac book osx. Truly want to get in and check it out.
Thank you
i am excited on the 7 days mini course please send it right away coz i need a job now please?
My name is Albert. I’m from Nigeria. I am under serious attack of black witches.
My mother (now dead) was a black witch and my elder sister is also a black witch. They have coven where they meet in the night to decide people’s fate.
They have almost totally destroyed my life with witchcraft power. I don’t
have any success in
business, people hate me
even when I’m nice to them and I always have bad luck.
I saw what they call “witch bottle” on the internet, I did it but doesn’t seem to be effective.
I’m totally frustrated and very poor. Please Rose, do me a favor by giving me free spell(s) to remove or
reverse all the evil works they have done to my life. Just tell me what to do free and I will bear the cost the materials. Many thanks.
merry meet dear rose my resident witch in charge. thank u for taking the time to send me the grateful spells some i cn do others i dont have the supplies. i am in need of a powerful mo.ney spell for my whole family. all we need is enough to not worry about if the babies has clothes,shelter and a little extra to enjoy the things in life we have never been able to afford due to having to do without, to make sure the babies dont go without. i’ve been practing for many moons and there is nothing i enjoy more than being a character. than my family. will u help me as u have done so many others.thx
Roseanne says
I was about to buy the witchcraft course..not for getting more money, or any other material item. I wanted to purchase it to bring my husband back home to me. He left 6 wks ago. I know we were very much in love at one time, but the last couple of yrs we have gone through a lot of heartache. Now I know I am very much still in love with him. And I believe he still has love for me….at least he has said he still loved me, not only to me but to our nephew. I believe his anger and hurt and our total unhappiness over the last two yrs has made him bitter. It is almost like a love hate relationship. I know that if we didn’t go through these last few very rough yrs we would have remained together. I made major mistakes and so has he. No cheating or anything like that…just that we drifted and spent to much time put everything else ahead of each other….so we became roommates…basically. So the bottom line is….I am afraid he will be gone forever if I don’t do something quick! But if this really won’t work I don’t want to purchase it. Because as I said….it isn’t for material items but for my husband to look at me like he use to, to heal his wounds and anger and bring him home….so we can recapture the very incredible love we use to have….and I need to do it quick before I only do more stupid things…like beg and push him even further away! So please me, is there something that will work? thank you!
Hi Rose,
I am new to the wiccan world, I married a man from England on April 29, 2011. I had known him for 2 years and when he last returned to England we were just fine and he was coming here to be with me and bringing his 11 year old daughter whom i adore. Recently, 12 days to be exact, he changed and I knew something was wrong. He told me that he didn’t love me and he met someone new, not only did he meet someone new but he no longer sees his daughter who adores him. This new woman has taken all his time and has a son whom he is spending all his time with. He no longer answers my phone calls because his new lady won’t let him and i speak to his daughter all the time and she misses me and him together, which was not my choice. This woman consumes him and lights candles to keep him. I only have love my heart and want him to get back to being a dad to his daughter, i don’t care if he no longer loves me but his little girl needs him. I spoke to my step daughters mom and even though they have had a hard time, she also wants him to spend time with her. Iknow in his heart he hasn’t fallen out of love but I am at a loss and know not what to do. I only want what is best. I always say things to try to help him back to who he used to be by trying to help him see how important his daughter is but the new woman has gotten a hold of him tight.
I am also in love with your concept and frame of mind you display in your video. I intend to purchase your books and videos but just can’t at this time afford it. The old financial woes strike again. But I will at some point pick back up and I will be able to do what I want. Thank you so much for your communication to my email address. Rosemary
every one my name is melanie jenkie and i have been married for 4years and i have a break up with my husband 3months ago and i was worried and so confuse because i love him so much. i was really going too depressed and a friend directed me to this spell caster Dr. Zuma and i made all my problems known to him and he told me not to worry that he was going to make my husband to come back to me and in just 48hours i receive a call from my husband and he was appealing that i come back to the house.
i have never in my life believe in spell and but now it have just helped me and i am now so happy.
Thanks to him and if you also want to have your lover back to yourself then his email is
[email protected]
Thank you Rose for your help,c’ant wait for the course.
please Rose
i will like to get money so that i can solve my financial problem at hand. this my email ([email protected]) please and this is my cell phone number +233249582160. i will like you to help me
I’m sorry but I wanted to get ahold of someone about why I have not received any more blogs from Rose since Aug29 which was my last blog she sent me. I can find no set e-main to anyone about this, and would like to get it back online again, as I found it interesting and informational when it comes to Magick.Send answers to [email protected]
:neutral:my mum persauds me not to beleive in magik pls help ariadane
wen u send me the gifts could i see u in person pls i live at broad green avenue davenport court 21
I still have no blog sent to me and woundered why. I sent a letter once but the web site listed was not correct as they said it was not working. I would like to continue but so far no way to get to you to give me the reason it was cancled. I did try sending my e-mail address and they said it was already listed and Ok, and that was all.
Dear Rose, I bought both the ” Mastering The Magick Of Witchcraft” course also the ” Simple spell casting ” I sent to you an E-mail asking you two things ‘ Was the second item that I bought was included in the first one or was something additional ? The second question was Do I have to finish the Mastering The Magick of Witchcraft before I can use the simple spell casting that is in the second item that I bought? Not . I know that you are a vey busy person but I will appreciate if you can answer my questions as soon as possible Thank You
Hi Anthony… both of the courses were designed to compliment eachother… and I encourage people to dig into both of them…there will be a little overlap, but mostly the units/spells/techniques compliment eachother…
Enjoy! It’s an honor having you as a student.
Dear Rose: i purchased the magick academy in a box a while back. i am writing you to see if i was missing anything in my box. i did not receive the seven manuals that go with the dvd’s. i also did not receive the transcript for the audio CD. if i am missing these items, i would for you to send these itemsas soon as possible. my name is Lester Sadler, and my screen name is roddenleg.
i thank you very much for attending to this matter.
Blessed Be.
The love of my life dumped me a while ago and I could not get back into any shape mentally. I love him so much I could not think, eat, talk, or walk without the ache in my heart and the thoughts in my head that were about him and the guilt I feel at cheating on him. I so wish that I could have changed the
clock back and never to have experienced the raw lesson of adultery. He was so angry when he found out. Yes quite right. I am guilty. I did not think of an outcome. Ayelala shrine has helped me so much. Firstly to move the big breaks in my heart and to see all things differently. Then to ease my way
through a different door in my head. He made me realise my self respect and understand the reason I have done such a thing to hurt my husband.I now believe in the powers of Ayelala shrine as my husband has said we could work things out. Thank you [email protected]
I live in the Philippines. An elderly died today and people say he was into VooDoo and had a set of three black corn cobs that danced. What do you know of these corn cobs. they say the cobs were handed down from his father who also practised VooDoo. Some say they witnessed the cobs dancing but when you ask if they actualy saw it, they say no, thats what they heard.
Info on this please, thank you.
wow!!! im amazed!!! this totally works!!! thank you [email protected]!!! you came through for me!!!! at first i thought it wasnt working but it was!!! thank you thank you thank you thank you for bringing my husband back to me and my kids, this christmas would be fun.!!!!!!”
magick is like the best thing in the world
Hi I am at a loss my husband of 25 years cheated on me and now has totally cut me off financially. I could use any suggests on how I can make him be true to his responsibility for me and his daughter who he seems to have forgotten. Thank you
Just wanted to ask you Rose what do you think about Ouiji boards? Should I keep it or get rid of it.Its was given to me as a gift from my son.
Hi Rose,
I have just written for help but don’t know if my entry was submitted. When I hit submit, I got a message saying that I had already done this, which I hadn’t, so am not sure if you have received anything from me???
Thanks rose,
I find that you are a great person. I wish to benefit from the lessons that I’m going through.
i don’t know slot about magic but i would like to learn
hi well i belive but time are hard im trying but im in hole right about now with bill with ever thing my life is going up and down i have bad luck i will love to have good luck on my side and love and happness
travertine cleaning and sealing…
Religion of Wicca Witchcraft – Rose AriadneÂ’s Blog » Ask Rose Ariadne…