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:razz:Can’t wait:smile:
Wonderful idea! Ardarla
brill idea, will look forward to it.:lol:
wonderful idea,will be looking forward to you completing it,bright blessings.:wink:xxxx
:smile:This is so tottally cool.:smile:
:smile:I dig Witch Craft.
Merry Meet Rose,
You sent me a thank you for telling a friend about your new blog. In the e-mail there was a shortcut to click on. I strongly suggest you check it out.
And thank you for being in my life.
Thank You! I can’t wait see more it..
Will you ever get to do a instructional vidieo on spell casting.
Cant wait..:smile:
the interview was great! cant wait for some more of your work. rose:smile:
heya people ne good new spell info?
Rose you hooking up with you alone the last few months has brought my world so much new light I can’t wait for this hope its not a money grab *you know me as Patti I just gave myself a new name and new email I just gave it to you also:
I’m on pins and needles waiting mamm
Blessed Be Rose and lil family
~;~Phoenix VonDraca
Brightest Blessings this fine day…hi rose …3 months ago i had a really bad month…i mean what could go wrong did even my 8 year old daughter almost dround at a school swimming day…
hubby and i almost seperated …one day i got an e-mail for black arts …i checked it out didnt do anything but was tempted though…then i remembered the witches rede and imagined u saying the laws and i exited that site immediately…now i know that im a true beleiver in white magic not black magic….years ago i would have but thx to you i didnt…thank you rose for saving me from a could have been worst mistake of my whole life…and i thank the gods / goddesses as well as the heavens above cause also something happened to me that is great…the understanding of the craft and beleif the words are finally comming to me so clear that i understand it all…my life has been truly turned around for the better…i feel as u do on this last blog also…its a logical pure understanding…im much more happier now i understand alot…even though it took me many years to do so…ok im a last bloomer…better late then never…i did craft in past but didnt truly understand all meannings of it til now…thx for ur support…Blessed Be to u and ur family from mine…pls keep up the great work rose…
I really like your site. I’ve recently set up my own site, I think it has a lot of potential and healing to give, I hope you check it out and not only let me know what you think but would very kindly advertise it on your site. I’m more than happy to do a link back obviously. Just let me know.
Kind regards and blessed be
I have always been interested in wiccan religion and tradions, however it wasn’t until recently that I became active in exploring the wiccan ways. I am hoping that it will give me some peace and serenity within myself.
Merry meet to all at last a site I know I can trust can’t wait to hear comments and get advice from everyone tank you Rose will be spending a lot of time with you all blessed be
Was just stopping by to check out your site. Pretty nice
I’ll be putting mine up on the internet soon too. I just don’t want to leave out any details. ^^ Maybe I’ll give you the link
Merry Meet Rose,
Is it true your only suppose to share your craft name with just your God and Goddess and the Element.
I was wondering about this and figured you are the one to ask.
Blessed Be !!
i cant wait !!!!:smile:
:mrgreen:Yay! We can put comments. I dunno what to say, i just like to post comments.:mrgreen:
This ones cute:evil:
keep up the good work your a light through the misted fog
blessed be
i really like this site and i cant wait for what you could teach me… i have been a practicing witch for 3 years now and am always looking for more information!:smile:
I love this site! I have been practicing wicca for a short time and am loving it! Im hungry for more info! Blessed Be Babes
I have a bumper sticker on my car that says “WITCHES PARKING, ALL OTHERS WILL BE TOAD!” I had this guy pull up beside me and honk his horn and prompted me to roll down my window. He asked “are you a witch? I proudly answered “YES I AM AND FINALLY FEEL VERY CONNECTED!” He gave me a thumbs up and responded, “I have been studying for 6 months, nice to meet you!” I guess that there is more of us out there than we really know! Thanks for helping me stay connected, I love this site!:razz:
Merry Meet all! I hand-craft pure soy wax candles with positive energy and affirmation labels. Please check them out if you need candles ritual.
That sounds like a really cool idea. I try and do that for my members to, and if it’s alright with you I’d like to link your site up to my board. Please let me know. Thank you
GOOOOOOD Evaning ROSE:mrgreen:
JUst wanne know if u can help me plz plz plz i really want to vind poeple the would Practise magic with me to be friends 4 life withe plz help i stay in port elizabeth and it is so lonly being the only pagen here please help MEEEE!!!!!:grin::grin::lol:
Gr8 idea rose
i look forward to it:mrgreen:
Please let me know when it’s ready. I’d love to connect with my spritual brothers and sisters. I’m sending my blessings for the New Year!
Madame Anna Burkett
I gain so much by your blessings,spells
and wishes and interractions . Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for your time and energy.Not everyone has the kind of commitment you do. I truly appreciate your quest.Looking forward to your next e-mail.
thank you so much for this sight,:roll: im so happy now bless you all
blessed be to all
sry, i’m new to this mystical world… i want to learn a lot.. i really cant wait to meet wonderful ppl over here. from my childhood, i loved magick a lot and i never expected my dream would come true…..:oops:
I can’t wait to connect with my fellow pagans.
I am new to this so could someone help me out??Email me at [email protected]
The things you have shared will be cherish hens forth…I have gotten closer to who I truly am because you voiced what I always new was inside. Thank you and many blessings!:oops:
Iv just been introduced to allof this I picked up a book of all places at a bank book sale and it was allaobut Witchcraft incredible reading and Im looking forward in expanding my spiritual horizons on this site as well To all new beginnings as samllas they may be there in front of us we just have to open our eyes! Peace Pat
Thanks Rose for everything you have tought me. Iam a beginner at this wonderful magic of witchcraft. and i consider myself a new pagan. ive learned a lot.and would like to meet new friends. can you tell me how? i would love for someone to contact me on my [email protected], Love You, and bright blessings to you.
Rose, did you receave my last comment?
You are doing a wonderful job with Pagan Point for the interest in pagans. You are a wonderful teacher and I love reading what you are teaching always.
Can’t wiat for this page to get going!!!!!!!!:razz:
:roll:Hello Rose, cant wate for the pagan point to open,Love you, and bright Blessings to you and your family.
i think a chat room would be a auswem idea
Rose, thank you for the info you allowed me to download.. I was so short on funds right now and have always been a practicing witch, but, just like wayward Christians, I’ve been a little inundated with “life” right now.. lots of family passing away, new babies being born (3 w/in 3 months), health issues and financial issues, I left my job to step to the plate to help my children with my grandchildren, yet, I still have bills of my own.. with all of this.. I’ve kinda gotten “lost” or out of touch with my abilities and I needed something to redirect me.. Thank you ever so much, you are a blessing!!
M-M every one fantastic site , just wanting to thank my Queen Rose for all her insite and wisdom in my search for more knowledge and information on or craft thank you agine your humble servant, and lone wolf ,William Hoooooowooooooooollll !!!!!!
Hi Rose I love all of your postings I am a pagan witch that still learning and thanks to you is easier then ever please pray for me. May the Universe Blessed you and your loveones! For the Universe give us one blessing allready having you in our live to help us to reach our potential. Blessings to everyone!!!!
Blessings,Rose. i want to tell you that I enjoyed each and everyone of your postings I have learn a lot from you can’t wait for the next one keep me in your prayers.MAY THE UNIVERSE SHOWER BLESSINGS ON YOU AND YOUR LOVEONES!!! Sincerely: Sara Hernandez
Rose, Thank you for the invite to your blog. I hope that there others out here who would like to share. Are there?
:grin:Happy spring:she changes everything she touches , everything she touches changes, bless the change, thanks for bieng here…peace
Flame sayes Thanks much I got my witche’s kit 2weeks ago and I havebeen having fun trying it out ever since!
Happy spring fluds! coz next year might be only mud!
Hello and Merry Meet All and Hello Rose, I have a network at http://www.sapphirewolfewitchy13.ning.com, it’s free to join it’s called Whispers From The Woods and there is great info there on Wicca, Witchcraft and Paganism, Spells/Rituals etc some of Rose Ariadne’s writings I have on there and always give credit where credit is due..all are welcome to join Brightest Blessings, LMP